Sunday, 29 December 2019

Bunch of wokes, members of kabataan party list and yellowtards slammed Carlos Yulo for being a supporter of President Duterte

Philippine Political News

     No one has the right to deride a person for his political point of views.  In a democratic country, it's is a privilege to have your own beliefs either social, political or religion.   Not because someone shares a different view doesn't make him a foe.

Manila, Philippines - Philippine athlete and gymnast champion Carlos Yulo is now being attacked on social media by members of Kabataan party list, bunch of wokes and  members of the yellow community after finding out that he's a strong supporter of President Duterter.

     The issue started when Yulo bravely answered " Yaas " after being asked by a netizen by the name of Koryn if he supports Duterte.  This drew anger among the yellowtards and some bunch of self entitled " wokes."  The comment thread was full of hatred posted by triggered wokes and yellow believers even members of kabataan party joined the commotions on social media.  They are now bullying the gymnast champion just to join their side.

     A disappointed  woke Victoria retwitted Yulo's answer to Koryn  with comment expressing disgust and dispointments. " Tangina ( son of whore ) I loved you I was Rooting for you, we were all rooting for you!"  Victoria added that Yulo should be lectured so open his eyes.  Off course the prodemocracy netizens came and joined the thread to defend Yulo and denounced his bashers for not respecting his political point of views.

     There were heated arguments and exchange of horrendous words between the prodemocracy netizens who defended Yulo and the bunch of wokes and yellowtards who bullied Yulo. Carlos posted on his Twitter account in response to the series attacks of the legion of wokes and the army of yellow trolls that they unfollow him and felt sorry to disappoint them.  " You guys can unfollow me anytime.  I don't know exactly what's going on in the Philippines. Sorry to disappoint you." Yulo stated.   Well, after Yulo posted this.  The woke people lambasted the young gymnast champion again and this time, the members of the procommunist group joined the thread of hatred towards Yulo.

     Victoria being the most aggressive woke told Yulo that he should open his eyes to realize that he is siding with the wrong political organization and accused him of being foolish and blinded that he should be lectured. Other wokes supported Victoria. The prodemocracy netizens condemned the woke people for targeting Yulo after posting his second tweet. They showed the same kind of aggressiveness as those of the self entitled wokes.  The most absurd comment in response to Yulo's second tweet was from scorbunny - a member of the procommunist Kabataan party list urged Yulo to have a open discussion with Sarah Elago that drew ire among prodemocracy netizens.  " Hi. I know you are too busy training. But it's better that you are aware of what's going on.  The are different issues that caused chain reaction e.g. the issue with the SEA games and the funding of the athletes. Come and let's have a discussion with the Kabataan party list and representative Sarah Elago?" Scorbunny stated.

     Scorbunny ended up being bashed by the triggered netizens and accused him of recruiting Yulo to become a blinded activist and a communist sympathizers.

     As the legion of wokes, procommunist groups and members of the yellow community became so frustrated with Yulo for supporting the Philippine President, more have become proud of Yulo for standing against his haters and at same time felt dispointed towards Yulo's dissenters for dragging him down because of his political point of view considering he brought honor to his country. Many have defended Yulo against his detractors and gave an messages of encouragement.  " Your opinions are yours. Don't let anyone say otherwise. No one should force you to side with their political leaning. You represent the country through sports and not the political beliefs of anyone. You're the one with medals not them." Stated by Karen Aletha after retweeting Yulo's second post.  Perhaps this is the most logical comment in defence of Yulo from the angry wokes and yellowtards.

    It wasn't the first time that Yulo was derided because of his political leaning.  He was also assailed by the yellowtards after he made the famous fist sign of President Duterte when he was personally commended by the President Duterte after bagging the gold medal in men's floor exercise in Germany, few months before the 30th SEA games.  I have to agree with Karen Aletha regarding this issue. No has the right to force anyone to side with their political leanings and one's political point of view doesn't count if he's representing a country in a different aspect.  Every woke and yellowtard should know that.


Tuesday, 24 December 2019

United States government revokes the entry visa of the ICC prosecutor

The World News

      While the United States passes a bill which includes the rescinding the entry visas of the jailers of the Philippine Senator Leila Delima, it has also already taken the step to cancel the entry visa of one of the prosecutors of the International Criminal Court ( ICC ).

Manila, Philippines - According to Reuters, the US government has revoked the entry visa of the ICC prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda on December 19 in response to her presumptuous inquiry of the allegations of crimes committed by the US forces in Afghanistan.  It was reported before that the US government will take necessary steps which they finally did if ICC prosecutors would pursue such investigation.

     Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has already warned last month that they would withdraw the entry visas of the ICC stuff investigating the allegations against the US forces and their allies or even possible arrest.

     The United Nations human rights experts have denounced the reaction of the United States government and referred to it as  " improper interfere " in the work of the world's permanent war crime court. It also drew reactions with in the European Union.

     This is ironic in both ways.  The United States government resents foreign organizations that intervene to it's political affairs and takes necessary actions to what it considers as meddling yet they intervene in other political issues of other nations.  Philippines and Hong Kong are some of the good example.   On November 27, the US has made the Hong Kong human rights and democracy act in relation to the violations of human rights of the prodemocracy protesters committed by the Hong Kong police.   Now, they are creating a bill that includes the cancellation of the US entry visas of the jailers of Senator Leila Delima who was involved in the illegal drug trade within the Manila city penitentiary.

     On the other hand,  Fatou Bensouda is the same ICC prosecutor who is being condemned by the Philippine government for pursuing silimilar inquiry to the allegations of extra judicial killings in relation to the war against drugs being carried out by President Duterte's administration that earned an overwhelming satisfaction rating of almost 80 percent of the Filipino citizens based on the latest survey.


Saturday, 21 December 2019

Philippine President Duterte approval rating at 87 percent

Philippine Political News

Manila, Philippines - Philippine strong man leader Rodrigo Duterte's approval rating has soared up to 87 percent according to the latest survey conducted by the Pulse Asia in December which attributed to the economic team's effort to lower down poverty and the highly success of hosting the 30th SEAGAMES despite of being heavily attacked by the Philippine Media particularly Rappler and ABS-CBN.

    The survey shows a huge difference from September of 78 percent to 87 percent which climbed by 9 notch percentage.  The disapproval ratings have shown a significant drop down from 8 percent to 5 percent. The table comparing the performance rating of President Duterter in September and December was presented to the media by Finance secretary Carlos Dominguez III and Socioeconomic planning secretary Ernesto Penia of the National Economic and Development  Authority Investment Coordination Committee Cabinet - Cabinet Committee ( NEDA ICC - CabCom) on December 16.

      According to Dominguez, the result of the survey astronomical and historical high that surpasses the performance ratings of the previous presidents. " If I'm not mistaken, this is the first time ever that at this point in any administration  that the President has reached this high.... I think this a historical high at any President from this stage." 

     In addition, according to Pernia, the result doesn't include yet the President's calling of the two infamous water concessionaires regarding the controversial water contract which is  considered as  onerous condition that would probably favored by the people for sure referring to the President's order to review the contract between the government and the concessionaires - the Ayala - ked Manila Water Company Inc. and Pangilinan's Maynilad Water Services Inc. to supply and distribute water to Metro Manila and other surrounding areas.


Sunday, 15 December 2019

Maria Ressa silenced her critic

Philippine Yellow Journalism and Media Crisis

     It's really ironic to know when someone who advocates freedom of expression and press freedom silences critics because he couldn't take dissents.  Speaking up your mind is a privilege not only limited to a certain group - it applies to all.

Manila, Philippines - Philippine journalist Maria Ressa has been known for blocking her detractors on social media because she couldn't handle dissents considering they're just as arrogantly forward as she is against the administration. Ressa silenced one of her critics Richard Imperial whose Twitter account was taken down by Twitter after she reported his tweets that she considered defamatory.

     Ressa didn't like Imperial's suggestions in the comment thread addressing Senator Sherwin Gatchalian to declare Ressa a ' persona non grata ' after being skewered by Ressa when Gatchalian accused her of insinuating bad reputation against the country. "@stgatchalian @ASKmediarisk @mariaressa I hope someone will  file a persona non grata status for this ingrate journalist named Maria Ressa who is pretending to be Filipino." This was the tweet posted by Imperial in the comment section depicted by Twitter as a clear violation of rules against abuse and harassment after reported it to Twitter so his account was placed in treatment.

      Imperial got so infuriated after his Twitter was restricted.  He felt that his privilege of ' freedom of expression ' was denied.  After his account got reinstated, he took it to denounce Ressa.  The self-proclaimed pragmatic journalist and the agitated netizen had a heated argument using their Twitter accounts.  Ressa did her old plain usual tactic addressing her detractors as ' Trolls ' while Imperial derided Ressa as a manipulator using her influence to mute her offenders on social media.

     Imperial warned those  who will stand against Ressa will be silenced that she can use her influence as a journalist to take down the accounts of her critics in order shut them up.

     It's really absurd how someone who fights for freedom of expressions and press couldn't handle differs and nonconcur.  Ressa has violated her own principle of free speech.  Why  would she use her influence to manipulate the social media to mute those who disagree with her while she commends those who stood on her side considering they're just as brutal and candid as her transgressors.

     Philippines being a democratic country, freedom of expression is not only limited to the leftist group and members of the yellow community.  It applies to all.  Silencing your critics using your influence is not an act of strength but a weakness.



Saturday, 14 December 2019

Thousands of Penis fishes washed ashore Drake beach, California

The American News

Oakland, California - Thousands of  ' penis fishes ' have washed ashore Drakes beach in California.  Otherwise known as the  fat innkeeper worm, expert theorized that the recent storm have forced them out of their underwater burrows and carried them to the Drakes beach leaving them dead and exposed to many predators.

     This weird looking pinkish aquatic creature can reach up to 10 inches in size and many prefer to call it as  ' Penis fish ' because from it's appearance, it literally looks like a male genitalia.

     The Penis fish creates a U-shaped burrows in mud or sand and eventually would leave it behind and other sea creatures would dwell in it or move - hence it is also referred to as the innkeeper worm.

     The legions of Penis fishes washed on Drakes beach was spotted by a Marine biologist Ivan Parr on December 6 after a storm hit the area. According to Parr, the same odd phenomenon have occurred over the years in Pajardo Dunes, Moss landing, Bodega bay and Princeton harbour.

     Marine biologists call this odd looking Marine creature as echira worm ( Urechis unicintus )  It is a type of round worm that dwells at the sea floor.  It has a spatula-looking limb that it use to both feed and mobilize in water. It spends most of it's existence under the  muddy and Sandy part of the ocean floor.  This invertebrate can reach a lifespan of 25 years.

     This soft and corpulent round worm is typically slow and most of the times ended up as prey to otter, sharks and rays.  It is completely harmless to humans because it has no teeth.  In some parts of Asia like China, South Korea and Hong Kong, it is considered as an expensive delicacy.  It is eaten raw ( sometimes live ) or cooked in various ways.  It has strange pudgy texture upon bite and the taste is similar to the mangrove worm ( tamilok ) of the South East Asia.


Communist leader Joma Sison commended the NPA for their recent terror in Eastern Samar

Philippine Political News

Manila, Philippines -  Communist Party of the Philippines founder Jose Marie Sison commended the New People's Army ( NPA )  for their recent ambush against the 1st Mobile Police Force Company that claimed the six lives including civilians last Tuesday in Barangay Libuton, Borongan of Eastern Samar.

     " I salute and congratulate the red commanders and fighters that carried out the tactical offensive in Samar."  Joma Sison stated

     " It is sharp and resounding response to the repeated lies of the AFP and PNP that they have already destroyed the NPA by either killing or making NPA personnel surrender." Sison added

     It wasn't really the first time the special police force got ambushed by the communist rebels.  The ongoing surprised attacks against soldiers and members of the PNP is the response of the NPA after President Duterte declared that their will be a bloody eradication and crackdown of all communist rebels in the country.

     For the past few months, there has been a great number of members of the NPA killed by the military.  Most of those who were succumbed in the military operation were mostly teenagers and young adults.  The government suspected that these are the recruited members of the NPA by the communist legal fronts.

     Armed Forces of the Philippines said that it is no longer surprised if Sison praises the horrendous actions committed by the communist rebels who participated in the recent ambush against the police force in Eastern Samar. Brigadier General Edgard Arevalo, Sison's lauding the " abominable act " only shows the he is still in unity with the communist terrorists.

     It is not surprising at all that he relishes in death and destruction. He was himself indicted for multiple warrants of arrests were issued therefore his involvement in Inopacan massacre." Arevalo said

     Because of what happened, Arevalo vowed to eliminate all communist terrorists and made sure that the bloody crackdown will take place during the term of President Duterte. He also assured that the AFP will not backdown.

      " We will press on with our pursuit to eliminate the communist terrorists group before the end of the Duterte administration." Arevalo said

      " This cowardly attacks by these enemies of peace and development hardly establishes any po4int of strength but rather weaknesses in attacking through anti personnel mines soldiers out to aid our people needing help." Arevalo added.


Monday, 9 December 2019

Maria Ressa Skewers Senator Sherwin Gatchalian

Philippine Political News and Media Crisis

Manila, Philippines - Philippine journalist Maria Ressa resented the statement made by Senator Sherwin Gatchalian on December 8 using his Twitter account denouncing Ressa on her unyielding effort to discredit the government and giving bad vibes to the country.  Senator Gatchalian in response to the tweet posted by Media Risk addressing Ressa, have accused the cynic journalist of insinuating detractions by giving the country a bad publicity through sensationalism. " She's amazing! All she does is to give our country a bad reputation."

      The Senator did not appreciate  the comment posted by the Media Risk which addresses Ressa stating that the Philippines is like a " preti dish " for mass manipulation. The senator reprobated this statement that is likely malicious.

      Ressa was quick to response.  She mocked the senator by retweeting his statement with comment insulting the senator. " Dear Senator Gatchalian,  what have you accomplished? Where have you shown your indipendence? After all, you work for the people right? What principles and values do you stand for? How far would you go to protect them?

     This statement made by Ressa have caused chain reactions. The senator was derided with degrading remarks by those who stood by Ressa but there was no response from the senator.  Apparently Ressa doesn't know anything about Senator Gatchalian.  She is totally clueless about his accomplishments, how indipendent he has become, the principles and values he stand for and how he can go far for the people.

      Senator Sherwin Gatchalian is a former mayor of the Valenzuela city for three consecutive terms since 2001 to 2016.  He turned his home city from the most corrupt to the most improved.  According to the 2015 census, Valenzuela city became as one of the 1st class highly urbanized  city Metro Manila and it is all because of his effecient managerial skills and leadership.   As a mayor he was able to accomplish the Seal of Good Housekeeping Bronze category ( 2012 ), Taking Look Award, Top 10 outstanding local governance program for 3S  in public service program ( 2012 ),  Most Business - Friendly Local Government Unit Award - highly urbanized city category by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industries ( 2012 ) and Number 1 in NCR National Achiement Test  for elementary. As a senator, Gatchalian co-authored and co-sponsored the Free higher Education Act in early 2017 which was signed into law.

     Gatchalian values his people and he have shown a genuine care for the people of Valenzuela during his terms as a Mayor so that why the prople of loved him.  He ended up the corruption and transformed the city into one of the safest places in Metro Manila. He made access to different government services alot easier for the people. The crime rates dropped down even before President Duterte came into power.  He wasn't just a Mayor of Valenzuela, but he was a father to it's people. Devoting and giving care to the people whom you are working for is the values and principles that he stand for.




Sunday, 8 December 2019

Lennon walls of the Hong Kong protesters are highly considered as work of art while the graffitis created by Panday Sining is considered junk by Filipinos

The Asian Political News

     A created piece is only considered as an art is it's widely recognized by many and not by the creator.

Manila, Philippines - It has been one of the most talked about controversial issues that is taking the social media about the arrest of four of the members of the communist militants the " Panday Sining " for  disregarding the city ordinance prohibiting vandalism.  The four militants were taken into custody after being caught vandalising the newly painted Quezon at Quiapo district despite repeatedly warned.

Photos of vandalism done by the members
of the communist militants the Panday Sining
that they claimed as a form of art but highly
criticized and considered rubbish by  many of
the Filipino citizens

       Last week, the Manila Mayor Isko Moreno was infuriated after the members of the Panday Sining vandalized the newly renovated underpass in Manila.  Moreno has been persistent since he got elected on cleaning up Manila and restoring it's faded glory.  After being denounced,  members of the red tagged episgones were quick to defend themselves and claimed that the graffitis they created on the different infrastructures in the city were forms of art that contain significant meaning.

     Alot were triggered after hearing the statement of the representative of the Panday Sining  when interviewed by a journalist who strongly reiterated that what they did were indeed forms of art and not vandalism. Many Filipinos did not accept their ideas of art creation and were accused of being delusional and didn't have an ideal concept of art.  For many, their graffitis is a complete rubbish.

    Some have compared their graffitis to the Lennon walls  created by the Hong Kong's Pro-Democracy protesters that are highly regarded as ideal forms of art not only by the citizens of Hong Kong but people from other countries who support their ongoing demonstration against the encroachment of China.  Protesters of Hong Kong are well known for giving an artistic backdrops on their fight for freedom and democracy.

The Lennon wall that originated in Prague 

      The Lennon wall which originated in Prague during the 80s was adapted  and reintroduced to the world by Hong Kongers as they struggle to preserve democracy as the communism creeps their city.  The Lennon wall contains plastered  sticky notes with written messages, posters and fictional characters.  It is where they wrtie down their grievances against the government oh Hong Kong  and the communist China.

A photo of man who is taking time to
read the grievances of the Hong Kong
protesters written on the plastered
sticky notes on the Lennon wall in Causeway

Common posters found on the Lennon wall  

A Lennon wall that features " Guy fawkes mask "

   Alot of the Lennon walls have sprung up in many ttunnels , subterminals and different infrastructures  in different districts of Hong Kong.  People who would pass the Lennon walls are truly impressed on how they were intricately made and very artistically profound.  People would even stop and take time to observe and read the messages and slogans on the Lennon walls.

     In the Philippines, people who would see the graffitis created by the communists adherents are often irritated.  While in Hong Kong  Pro-Democracy citizens would even fight against the pro-Beijings who would deface the Lennon wall just to defend it.  People from other countries like in Germany, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and Great Britain have even created their own Lennon walls to show their strong support for the people  Hong Kong in the quest for democracy.

      The militant group particularly the members  vandalizing the different infrastructures in different cities of Philippines are often persecuted by people bacause for the majority, it is way of bringing the communist ideologies and their work are ignored, ridiculed, often regarded as a plain obscured graffitis  The infrastructures in different cities of the Philippines is not a intendedly made for the platforms of communist ideologies and for many, the form of art that the members of Panday Sining and other red tagged leftist are highly considered as junk.


Saturday, 7 December 2019

Manila Council Declares Communist Militant Group Persona Non Grata

Philippine Political News

        Freedom of expression is one of the basic principles of democracy as long as it does not violated any existing ordinance.  There is a great difference between art and vandalism and everywall of any city is not for platform of communism.  For the majority of the law abiding citizens, communism has no place in a free country and the votarists are not welcome.

Manila, Philippines - Philippine local governments has known for restricting individuals who are considered leftists and pro-communist. On November 6, former singer and activist Leah Navarro was declared  " persona non grata " by General Santos city after her controversial tweet  "retribution." Now, the Manila Council declares  the pro-communist militant group  " Panday Sining "  with the same kind of sanction for repeatedly defying the antivandalism ordinance of Manila.

     Persona non grata is defined as  " an unwelcome person."  It is a legal term used in diplomacy that indicates a principles against a foreign individual or group entering or remaining in a certain place.  The Manila counsil on December 6 passes a resolution declaring the communist adherents " Panday Sining "   persona non grata few days after the arrest of four of it's members when got caught for vandalising the Quezon Bridge in Quiapo, Manila which was recently repainted as a part of local government's effort to restore the beauty and dapper the Philippines' capital.

     The pro-communist group took responsibility for desacrating the newly painted walls of the under pass in Manila claiming that it wasn't vandalism but a form of art.  The Manila Mayor Isko Moreno didn't  accept the idea of using the walls of the city for their platform of communism and threatened the militants that he will have them " licked " their so-called art if ever get caught defacing any walls of the city.

      Despite of the warnings, members of the Panday Sining carried on desacrating the walls of Manila.  Four of their members were arrested few days ago in Quiapo in an actual attempt in making graffitis using spray paint.  18 to 24 years of age were apprehended and taken into custody. DILG secretary Eduardo Ano have denounced the group for disregarding the city ordinance prohibiting vandalism despite of being repeatedly warned and  should face charges.

      Members of the Panday Sining are indeed stubborn militants.  They must have gotten the idea from the Pro-Democracy citizens of Hong Kong when they created the Lennon walls in different parts of the city.  Protesters of Hong Kong are known for giving an artistic backdrop in their wide demonstration against the encroachment of the communist China. As far as the form of art claimed by them members of the Panday Sining is not an art but a mere vandalism and a complete rubbish. They deserved to be banned from the city of Manila for bringing the ideology of communism.


Friday, 6 December 2019

Filipino Citizens' Reactions On The Pending Shut Down Of The Kapamilya Network

Philippine political news and media crisis

     ABS-CBN the Philippines second largest network has a new nemesis.  The Kapamilya network who has been claiming that they have always been in the service of the Filipino people, now faces the biggest tribulation but not against it's rival network - the GMA network but against the President of the Philippines who has vowed to hinder the renewal of it's franchise and the millions of the people who stand behind the President who look forward for it to go off the air completely.

Manila, Philippines - ABS-CBN is now facing it's toughest affliction as President threatened to hinder it's renewal of franchise next year.  President Duterte has made this as one of his personal battle and see to it that the Kapamilya network will be closed and gone off the air permanently in his recent statement few days ago. President Duterte was so upset when the network  took their payments but never aired their propagandas during the 2016 presidential election. " This ABS-CBN. you are expecting for the renewal of your contract but you are out! I'll see to it. You took our payments but never aired our propagandas." President stated during a press conference.

     Former senator Ralph Recto came in defense of the giant network. He has filled a bill last August seeking to renew the network franchise for another 25 years.  According to Recto,, ABS-CBN has remained steadfast in reaching out to Filipinos special those in far remote areas.

      The issue of the pending shut down of ABS-CBN have drawn different reactions among people.  Some wanted the network to prevail but majority are in favor the closing of the network for many reasons.  Who who support the President have accused the network for collaborating with the opposition ( Liberal party ) and communist legal fronts to destabilize the current administration.

     A supporter of ABS-CBN posted on Facebook and Twitter encouraging people to support the network with a hashtag " No to ABS-CBN  shutdown." but this post was derided by legions of netizens and responded ironically with a hashtag " yes to ABS-CBN shutdown."

     ABS-CBN was the most powerful network in the country before.  It was resolute and fearless and it had the most numerous of loyal viewers.  In the early 70s it was shutdown by the former President Marcos during the martial law because of the allegations of collaboration with communist rebels and the Liberal party to  destabilize the government.  In 1986, it made a powerful comeback and reclaimed it's Glory for being the country's leading network beating off it's rival network GMA 7.

     As time went on, the network particularly it's media slowly losing the trust of people and have tainted it's credibility because apparent cover ups regarding issues of corruption involving members of the Liberal party. in addition, the journalist who works for ABS-CBN  had become abusive. Many of the ABS-CBN's jounalists have become untouchable and biased. They knew that they could destroy of someone's reputation who would get in their way. For more than 30 years, the ABS-CBN have become one of the most powerful voices of the Liberal party and the people grew tired of the network. In 2006, it's rival network GMA 7 had finally beaten them off when it comes to ratings.

      When President came into power, ABS-CBN became highly critical against the administration specially their online news that aims to discredit the President.  During the midterm election, it was very obvious that ABS-CBN highly favored the opposition's senatorial slate  ( Otso diretso ) and none of them won since almost 80 percent of the population are avid supporters of the President. In addition, that is the time when ABS-CBN did not air the propagandas of the Duterte's campaign though they were paid.

      Now we have the SEAGAMES.  ABS-CBN network is one of the news agencies that attacked the sports event and placed it in chaos by highlighting some minor flaws and publishing inaccurate news about the event that the people didn't appreciate. Because of the successful opening ceremony of the SEAGAMES, the network was deeply proven wrong. Now that the network is threatened for the pending shutdown, majority of the people are looking forward to it.  It's up to ABS-CBN to prove itself as the country's " undisputable " network.



Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Some LGBTQ Turn Into Devil's Advocates

The World Controversial News

      As for some who have turned their backs on God to justify their iniquities, they have taken refuge into the darkess to carry on their worldly sins. As they have transgressed against the divine standards, they have become the devil's advocates

Manila, Philippines - A blogger named Gabriel Nichols  has caught the attentions of many when he used his Facebook account to condemn the protests made by the LGBTQ that promote the ideology of  " satanism."  Nichols posted 8 photos with strong caption denouncing the United States for tolerating a very odd kind of demonstration that he considered as pure evil.  He even reiterated that the United States is the modern day Sodom and Gumorrah that will soon be destroyed because of the worldy sins with a hashtag #EndofDays as  was foretold in the scriptures.

    #EndofDays. USA makes Sodom and Gumorrah look like a Puritan paradise. SOON - USA will be destroyed in one hour as proohecied in the Bible.  All merchants of the world will throw their money in the streets and mourn that they ever did business with USA. Don't believe me? Read the Bible."  These are the strong words posted by Nichols on his Facebook page.  Many of the God fearing netizens agreed with her but there were those who accused him of being bigot and promoting hatred against the homosexuals.

     Nichols also posted eight photos LGBTQ protests that are truly odd and bizarre.  One photo shows that a group of protransgender group marching on the streets carrying a banner that reads " Satan loves." Other photos show a group carrying the satanic temple banner, homosexuals carrying signs that read " ARIZONA MAKING HELL FABULOUS ", and " SATANIC QUEER AND PROUD."  The most peculiar among the photos posted  shows a couple with their son dressed up like a girl and the mother can be seen  carrying a sign that says " my son is gender creative and fabolous."

     Apparently this kind of strange protests took place in Arizona.  The demonstrations made by the protransgender people have evolved and have become the worst.  Before, their rally was only for the demand of acceptance and equality but recently, it has escalated to the desacration of churches and religious images but now, it came to the point that they are already promoting  the ideology of satanism.

Why resort to Satanism?

     Christian churches all over the world as we all know teach the word of God and the Gospel using the holy scriptures to promote the Christian way of living.  Homosexuals are accepted as long as they live with the existing Christian standards but do not tolerate homosexuality of all sorts such as same sex marriage, cross dressing and sex change.  These are considered as carnal sins that the homosexuals can't accept. Many of the homosexuals thought that they are persecuted and their rights are being violated.  They have accused the God fearing Christians as bigots.

     The Satanic churches being the exact opposite of Christian churches promotes all sorts of activities that the Christian Churches consider as sinful. Homosexuals can freely do what please them without the worries of being condemned and persecuted.  The Satanic temple  founded by Lucian Greaves in 2013 promotes the so-called " egalitarianism "  a social philosophy that aims to remove inequality among people.  With this kind of principle, it has prompted homosexuals to throw away the traditional Christian standards and join the satanic temple.

Why desecrate the Christian Churches?

      The Satanic temple uses principle to prompt people to reevaluate fears and perception and to highlight religious hypocrisy.  Homosexuals particularly the transgenders look at the Christian teachings as a way to promote bigotry and hatred towards them.  Since protest, activism and lobbying are the orientation of the satanic temple,  many of the protransgenders went out of the streets for wide demonstration to denounce what they think as bigotry and hypocrisy among the Christians. Some have resorted to a less peaceful protests as to vandalism of the churches' domains and religious icons, blasphemy and mockeries. It came to the point where they have disrespected not only the Christianity but God as well.

Getting  out of proportion.

      Because of egalitarianism as one of the main principles by the Satanic temple, many of the transgender activists use this principle in a different perspective.  They wanted the unacceptable to become as acceptable. One good example is persuading a child to become homosexual as was shown in one of the photos posted by Nichols. As an adult, if you want to become a transgender, that's fine and no one cares. But if you force your child to become a transgender, that's not acceptable because according to the US college of pediatrics, it is a clear violation of  a Child's human rights.

    Another good example is the case of Jessica Yaniv.  Yaniv is a Canadian transgender who used the existing Canadian law about the right for service to force  an immigrant who owns a waxing boutique for women to wax his genitals even she didn't want to. Jessica Yaniv went to waxing boutique for women because she thought of herself as a woman  though there were waxing boutiques for men nearby.  The woman refused because she wasn't trained to wax a male genitalia.  Yaniv filed a lawsuit againts the immigrant because she thought she was being denied of service. Since the owner of the wax boutique couldn't afford the lawsuit, she was forced to shot down her business.


      It is hard to believe that some of the members of the LGBTQ has come up to this kind of demonstration that is indeed very unacceptable to the majority of the society. Fighting for acceptance and equality is understandable though it was already provided by the existing law of any government of a democratic country.  Everyone has an existing right but no matter what, no one can simply force anyone to accept anyone.  Remember, everyone has their own beliefs and personal principles.  If people reject a certain people, it may be inappropriate but it's their choice and making a choice is also a right as long as it will not harm someone else's right.   Bringing an unacceptable ideology that would defy the religious principles of the majority of the society is truly dubious.


Philippines Was Awarded As The Best SEAGAMES Organizer

SEAGames News Update

      Despite of the ongoing attacks by the Philippine media and leftist groups, the 30th SEAGAMES  is slowly gaining a good reputation eventhough it had a rough start. On December 02,  Wei Jizhong the Vice President of Olympic council of Asia commended the PHISGOC for it's credibility in organizing a big sports event and now, the SPIA recognizes the Philippine government in hosting the sports event.

Manila, Philippines - PHISGOC chairman Allan P. Cayetano was given a trophy at the resently held. SPIA Asia awards at the Grand Hyatt hotel in Manila. The Sports Industry Awards ( SPIA )  has named the Philippines South East Asin Games Organizing Committee ( PHISGOC )  as the best SEAGAMES organizer by far.  The award also recognizes the government's efforts on staging a world class SEAGAMES opening ceremony, and organizing 56 sports and a total of 530 events.

     SPIA CEO Eric Gotsschalk handed the awards to PHISGOC Chairman Allan P. Cayetano and PHISGOC chief operating officer Ramon Suzara during a conference held at the Grand Hyatt hotel. Suzara expressed his gratitude to SPIA and reiterated that the recognition given will inspire the PHISGOC team to strive harder and do alot better for the few remaining days of the biennial meet.


Source:. The Manila Bulletin


Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Mumtaz Jaafar : " Athletes at SEAGames are Overfed with Delicious Food "

The Malaysian SEAGames News

     Former Malaysian athlete and sports executive Mumtaz Jaafar worries about the athletes being served with meal six times a day might end up gaining weight because of the food being much more delicious than the food being served in other hotels.

Manila, Philippines - As the 30th SEAGames being attacked by the Philippine  Media, foreign journalists are beginning to provide a good feedback about the ongoing sports event.

      A Malaysian writer Owee Ah Chun of  New Straight Times published an intriguing and yet interesting article on December 1st about the reaction of the former Malaysian Athlete and now a sports executive  Mumtaz Jaafar on how the athletes might end gaining weight because of the delicious food being served at the New Clark city in Capaz Tarlac,  Philippines.

     Here is the complete article.

     DATUK Mumtaz Jaafar is afraid, very afraid. No, not of the chaos engulfing the Philippines Sea Games but of the mess hall at the Games Village in Clark New City.
She feels that not only is the wide-ranging menu on offer simply too good to resist, the organisers are also serving six meals per day!

     “We arrived three days before athletics start and, after looking at the mess hall, I’m worried that some of my athletes might over-indulge and put on extra weight.
“The food is delicious, even better than those served at some hotels... and it’s open 23 hours every day.

     “With the athletics venue across the road from the Village, I'm afraid they might have too much time in their hands and the mess hall might become the focal point,” said Mumtaz, who is the deputy president of Malaysian Athletics Federation.
Athletes living at the Games Village are served breakfast from 5am, while the last call for supper is 4am the next day. In between, there are four more scheduled “feeding times”.

     MAF set three-gold target this time — three down from KL2017 haul.
Mumtaz, a former sprint queen, visited the stadium and found the track to be a “little soft”.

     “It’s a new stadium with a newly-laid track and I found it to be a little soft. That’s one of the reasons why we came early so that our runners can get used to the condition here,” she said.



Infamous Opposition's Blogger Jover Laurio Suffers Cerebro Vascular Accident

Philippine Yellow Journalism and Media Crisis

     Opposition's yellow propagandist Jover Laurio suffers stroke and is currently undergoing physical rehabilitation.   Filipino citizens who are standing behind the Philippine strongman leader President Duterte reiterate that it was a bad Karma for making a serious death wish  against the President and his family.

Manila, Philippines - It has been circulating on social media confirming that the infamous opposition's  blogger Jover Laurio suffers a mild lLeft Cerebro vascular accident with left hemiparesis or otherwise known as " stroke."  According to  Dr. Jaime Exconde, a well known physiatrist, CVA or stroke is a neurological condition resulting to a weakness of weakness or total paralysis of half of the body particularly the upper and lower extremities due to decrease blood supply  and oxygen to a particular part of the brain hemisphere brought about by the blockage of artery going towards the brain.

A photo reveals that yellow propagandist Jover Laurio
being admitted at Makati Med  after the onset of stroke

      According to reports, Laurio was admitted to Makati Medical center around the last week of October when at the onset of stroke.  There were several photos posted by Laurio herself undergoing physical therapy.  Many are concerned but there are more who seem to be rejoicing in the same manner when netizens hit back on Jim paredes after his sex video scandal broke out.

      Lauro is the most ridiculed personality of the yellow community. Pro-Democracy citizens and aupporters of the president opted to make fun of her somewhat unacceptable appearance and Rocky attitude due to her constant attack against President Duterte by publishing malicious articles and inaccurate allegations.

       Laurio being the admin of the "Pinoy ako blog" collaborated with the Liberal party and Maria Ressa and other antigovernment journalist to discredit the President and destabilize the current administration and often times have clashed on social media against journalists and bloggers that are pro-governent.

      Laurio is also the most active blogger who predilects on the flaws of the administration, often a loophole seeker and a fault finder, the most daring and yet inaccurate, the most presumptuous and yet the most bashed and the most tactless and yet the most hideous by far.

     Alot of questions that were raised after it was revealed that indeed she has a Cerebro Vascular Accident.  How come her online site  " Pinoy Ako Blog " is still active since there are still malicious articles published about the SEAGAMES and the occurrence of the onset attack of stroke reported on the last week of October?  Alot have concluded that there are other writers behind the antigovernment blog site. Even Laurio herself using her social media account confirmed that she is undergoing physical rehabilitation and still have difficulty using her right hand.


Mass shooting in Sweden leaves 10 students at a Swedish school for adults

  Mass shooting in Sweden leaves 10 students at a Swedish school for adults  Authorities in Örebro, Sweden, have confirmed that approximatel...