Wednesday, 30 December 2020

American nurse tested positive with coronavirus a week after receiving Pfizer-BioNtech covid-19 vaccine.


The American News

Published by: Edward Era Barbacena

A nurse from California was found to be positive of coronavirus a week after receiving the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine on Tuesday.  According to health experts, it will take time to build an active immunity against covid-19 once the vaccine is received.

Mathew W., a nurse who works at two different local hospitals, posted on facebook that he received the Pfizer vaccine on December 18 and his arm became swollen for more than 12 hours but he didn't notice other side effects.

On Christmas eve, he became terribly ill, there was an increase in his body temperature accompanied with chills and experienced a deep, dull and nagging mascular pain with general fatigue shortly after working  a shift in the covid-19 unit.

He went up to a drive-up hospital testing site and was found to be positive of the covid-19 on December 26.

Christian Ramer, an infectious disease specialist with Family Health Centers told ABC news  that this scenario wasn't totally unexpected.

" We know from the vaccine clinical trials that it's going to take 10 to 14 days for you to start to develop protection from the vaccine, " Ramer said

" That first dose we think gives you somewhere around 50% and you need that second dose to get up to 95%," Ramer added.

Tuesday, 29 December 2020

US confirms its first variant coronavirus in Colorado


The American News

Published by: Edward Era Barbacena

Denver -  The United States confirms its first case of covid-19 variant Colorado, Governor Jared Polis said on Tuesday.

The mutated coronavirus was found in a man in his mid 20s who was already quarantined in the southeast Denver in Elbert county.  This case is quite intriguing, while most of the cases of covid-19 variant in other countries were detected in travelers from Great Britain,  the man from Denver who was found positive, had no history of travel, state health official say.

Elbert county is mainly rural areas of rolling plains at the far edge of Denver metro area that includes interstate 70 - the state's main east west high way.

The Colorado State Laboratory has already confirmed the variant coronavirus, and has already alerted the  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

India detects six cases of variant coronavirus


The Indian News

Published by: Edward Era Barbacena

India has confirmed that six cases of variant coronavirus in travelers from the United Kingdom, officials said on Tuesday.

India is now one of the counties that imposed travel restrictions to and from the United Kingdom.

The variant coronavirus has proven to spread and infects humans on a more rapid rate than the covid-19 that originated in Wuhan.  It is not yet confirmed if it is more virulent and thorough studies about the mutated coronavirus is being conducted in Great Britain where it began.

India has the second highest cases of covid-19 next to the United States with 10,224,797 recorded cases and deaths of 148,190 as of December 29, 2020.

Dr. A Fathahudeen of a health expert who has been treating patient with covid-19 told the media that the new strain of coronavirus may cause havoc and throw the health care system out of control.

Health officials in india have started contact tracing close contact and family members of the six travelers from Great Britain who were found positive of the variant coronavirus.

It had become mandatory that all passengers from the United Kingdom to undergo RT-PCR test at all airports in the country. The samples that are found to be positive, will then be genome sequenced by the government-run labs in order to detects the mutated coronavirus.

More than 33,000 passengers arrived in India from Great Britain over the passed months. About 114 found to be positive of covid-19  - their samples have been sent to 10 different labs for genome sequencing.

Sunday, 27 December 2020

Jordan detects two cases of variant coronavirus in travelers from Great Britain


The Jordanian News

Published by: Edward Era Barbacena

Amman - Jordan detects its first two cases of variant coronavirus that has been spreading rapidly in the southeastern part of England in travelers from Great Britain, the Health Minister said on Sunday.

Jordan has been known for its efficiency for controlling the spread of the covid-19 after three months of having high coronavirus cases and fatalities  that has caused tension in its health care system.

Jordan has banned all manners of travel to and from the United Kingdom that will remain in effect up to the 3rd of January next year.

As of December 28, Jordan has a total of  286,356 cases of coronavirus and deaths of 3,729.  The country has an estimated population of 10 million.

The Ten Plagues of 2020


The Year End Report

Published by: Edward Era Barbacena

The twin year year of 2020 is probably one of the most obscured year in the passed decades.  Indeed, it is the year that is not good to remember but history will tell that 2020 has left scars to every people in every nation that simply can't be removed.   It is one the most dreadful year that the signs of heaven are apparent that reveals different disasters and tragedies as it was foretold that would take place during the identical year of the 21st century.

2020 has brought us 10 plagues among men of the modern civilization that the government of each nation grappled in order to endure the hardships.  These plagues has brought the so-called "new normal " that altered the human way of living.  In the  identical year, men experienced the 1. Ravaged of coronavirus,  2. The wrath of global volcanic eruptions, 3. The devastating earthquakes,  4. The stronger hurricanes and typhoons, 5. Unexpected floods, 6. The pestilence of locusts, 7.The destructive wildfires,  8.The mysterious deaths of wildlife animals,  9.The anarchy and social unrest,  10.And the worst of all, the rise of racism and white supremacists.  These plagues had caused millions of lives and brought oppressions among the most vulnerable ones and the world will never be the same again.

1 .The ravages of coronavirus

Up to this day, the world is coping to the scourges of the covid-19.  It is the most deadly global pandemic that swept the world since the black plague of the 12th century.  It is much deadlier than the spanish flue and the influence pandemic of the 20th century and far more grim than the plague of London in the 15th century.

The horrendous novel coronavirus started in far east asia that has reached the coast of the United States.  The first case of the novel coronavirus or covid-19 ( SARS - COV 2 ) was detected in December of 2019 in Wuhan, China.  It slowly encroaches the world.  Different government of different nations had to imposed travel restrictions, lockdowns, and different preventive measures such as social distancing and wearing masks. Despite of this measures to avoid contagion, the covid-19 pandemic had spread all throughout the world leaving 80.7 infected and 1.7 fatalities as of December 27, 2020. The United States has the most number of cases of more than 19 million and fatalities of more than 330,000.    Now the world is facing another threat from the coronavirus.  Last year, around December, the covid-19 emerged from Wuhan, China and last November, the variant coronavirus emerges from the United Kingdom and started infecting people in the southeastern part of England.  It is not yet known if this mutated covid-19 will respond to the newly developed covid-19 vaccines.

2. The wrath of volcanic eruptions

As the coronavirus virus emerges, a new threat has shocked the world and that is the eruptions of different volcanoes around the world.  All in all, there are recorded 67 eruptions that occurred in 2020.

Most of these volcanoes are stratovolcanoes and located in the ring of fire.  The first volcanoes to erupt are Popocatepet of Mexico, Mt Shitake of Japan and Taal volcano of the Philippines.  The eruptions didn't cause casualties but it cost millions of dollars worth of properties.

3. Destructive earthquakes

2020 is not spared from the wrath of deadly earthquakes.  The earthquakes are usually counted by the intensify or numbers of magnitude.  7.0 to 7.9, there were 9 recorded earthquakes, 6.0 to 6.9 there were 109 registered earthquakes, 5.0 to 5.9 there were 1,298 recorded earthquakes and 4.0 to 4.9, there were around 12,033 recorded earthquakes around the world. Most of these earthquakes  were associated with volcanic eruptions and activities. The most destructive earthquake that occurred in 2020 was on October 30, when a 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit the Aegean sea that jolted Greece and Turkey causing mini tsunami and building to collapse in different cities that killed 118 people.

4. The plague of locusts

This is probably the most peculiar and iconic of all plagues next to the coronavirus pandemic.  Many people have associated this to the biblical or scriptural plague of locusts in the time of exodus in egypt. The pestilence of locusts is one thing in common of both plagues occurred in the time of moses and in 2020. The desert locusts, or schistocerca gregaria have often referred to as the world's most devastating pests, and for some good reason.  Swarm form when locusts' number increase and become very crowded. As they travel, they devour any form of vegetation and çrops causing millions of dollars of damages and shortages of food supplies.  This has become a great concern  of WHO when the plague of locusts hit Saudi Arabia, Oman,Ethiopia, Uganda, Yemen, Somalia, Iran, Pakistan, Eritrea and India on the that occurred from July to August.  On the early part of December, the plague of locusts reappeared in East Africa.

5.  Bushfires and wildfires

Australian Bushfires

Australia suffered from the snare of bushfire that started on the june of 2019 and lasted up to the first few months of 2020.  This is the season of bushfires or for Australians, it is colloquially known as the "black summer." The intense heat from the sun would usually cause fire to set on dried bushes that would spread rapidly burning acres of trees, trapping and killing animals and burning houses.  Approximately, the Australian bushfires have burned  18,636,079 hectares of forest, burned a total of 9,352 buildings including 3500 homes and 5,852 out buildings. The total number of direct deaths was 34 and  445 indirect ( suffocation and inhalation ).  The Australian bushfires started from June of 2019 and lasted up to May 2020.

Californian wildfires

The 2020 wildfire season is probably the worst of all wildfires that had ever occurred in California. It is a series of ongoing wildfires  that are burning across California.  It was the largest wildfires so far.  On December 24, there were  9,639 wildfires recorded that have burned 4,359,517 acres
 ( 1,764, 234 ha ). It has also cost $2,059 billions worth of damages and destroyed  a total of 10,488 establishments.  Only 34 deaths were recorded.

6. Longer lasting hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones

The atlantic hurricanes in 2020 is considered as the most active and the seventh costliest atlantic hurricane season on the record. The pacific typhoons on the other hand is slightly below average event of the formation of tropical cyclone in the pacific ocean. The north Indian cyclone has no official bounds.  Though the weather disturbances occurred in 2020 were not as powerful as compared before, they are more long lasting even if they had made a landfall with powerful winds of up to 150 miles per hour.  

There were 6 hurricanes that were recorded. Three of the strongest were Zeta ( cat 3 )that made a landfall on Louisiana on October 28,  Eta ( cat 4 ) that hit the  Nicaragua and Honduras around November 6 and followed by Iota ( cat 5 ) on November 17- 18.  Hurricane Iota was the most destructive of them all.  It has brought strong winds with 145 miles per hour  with heavy rains that caused floods in different places of Nicaragua and columbia.

In the pacific ocean, there were 10 strong typhoons formed.  The most destructive were Molave, Vamco and Goni.  These 3 powerful typhoons hammered both the Philippines and Vietnam.  Molave was a relatively weak typhoon when it landed on the Philippines on October 25 but it intensified into a category 5 typhoon with gust winds of 155 miles per hour and hit Vietnam on October 28.  On November 1, typhoon Goni struck the Philippines. It brought heavy torrential rains that flooded the province of Albay in the Bicol region of Southern Luzon. and the flood went as high as 15ft. and many of the houses were submerged in water and mud.  10 days after, typhoon Vamco made a landfall causing heavy floods in the northern part of the Philippines, particularly the San Mateo,Rizal and the province of isabella were the most affected.

7. Floods

Since January there are series of flooding happened all through out the world.  The first occurrence of flood was on January 1 in Jakarta Indonesia.  In most cases, flooding was brought by heavy torrential rains during the monsoon season which is more prevalent in Asia.  This has caused people to evacuate their homes and went to a higher grounds for safety.   Occurrences of floods has become more prevalent in and frequent in 2020 brought by heavy rains.  There are three main causes of floods in different places this year.  The first is the heavy constant rain, second is storm surge due to powerful storms and third is the tsunami caused by earthquakes.  On December 17,  eleven people have died in the flood and 7 went missing in Brazil.  The flood was caused by heavy constant rain for 24 hours. The city recorded 125 mm of rain .  Civil Defence said, there were 1600 were affected by the floods, with 284 displaced.  

8. The mysterious deaths of animals

The mysterious deaths of animals of different sorts all over the world have baffled researchers why such unexpected and gruesome deaths of the wild creatures.  From fishes and whales the sea - to the poultry and large animals of the land - to the flying creatures of the skies.   Since 2000, there are numerous deaths of animals that causes are not yet known. In 2020, every month there are  deaths that occurred of different animals that occurred at least twice. Here is the link for the complete list.

Some have theorized that it is a sign of the pending  apocalypse, but others  with more scientific idea have blame the cause to the development of 5 G technology, in which towers emit harmful radiations that killed some birds and other animals.  The most mysterious deaths of animals in 2020  are the deaths of  more than 350 elephants on July 10 in Botswana and six fin whales in France on November 17, 2020

9. The social unrest

The anti-lockdown protests

The lockdowns in different countries in the purpose to control and lessen the transmission of the coronavirus pandemic had resulted to many forms of social unrest and violence. On mid-April 2020, many of the Trump supporters in different states made several protests against the government-imposed lockdowns in response to the growing number covid-19 cases in the United States.  This is probably the most lucrative form of protests in the world since the pro-democracy protests ignited in Hong Kong in June 2019. You can actually see protests holding ridiculous signs like " I want my haircut,"  " Let my people golf," and other insane ideas.  The protests were organized by the so-called conservatives and individuals who decried the economic and social impact of stay-at-home orders, business closures and restricted personal movement and association and demanded their respective states be reopened for formal business and personal activity not knowing the risk of further spread of the disease. Many of these protesters accused their respective governors of using communist tactics to control the pandemic and imposing lockdowns to control the pandemic is denying the freedom of the people.  Majority of the protesters didn't believe that there was a pandemic, so most of them didn't wear masks and adhere to the social distancing guidelines.  Since then, the covid-19 cases in the United States increased rapidly until it has reached millions. Such insane protests made a headline on International news, other countries like Germany, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria, Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom also made protests and demanded that the economy to be reopened.  The global anti-lockdown protests that began in the United States have caused sudden increase on the global covid-19 cases.

The Black Lives Matter protests

The murder of George Floyd perpetuated by Police Derek Chauvin and other 3 Minneapolis police on May 25, 2020 has ignited another form of social unrest - the Black Lives Matter protests.   The BLM protests have spread different states and countries demanding justice for the death of George Floyd, equality among different races and opposition against racisms.  Along with the protests comes with anarchy and riots.  Radical protesters began looting, desecrating establishments and burning down buildings.  After the BLM protests started in United States, Amsterdam also carried the BLM protests on June 1, 2020 and until the BLM protests has become worldwide. Though the BLM protests maybe more significant as compared to the anti-lockdown protests,  it was still a social unrest and a form of uprising that can lead to chaos and troubles, and chances of the transmission of the coronavirus are still great because it is a form of congregation.

10.  Racisms and the rise of the white supremacists


The coronavirus pandemic had brought the worst among men.  Ever since the covid-19 emerged from Wuhan, xenophobia against the Chinese has become more prevalent. Chinese nationals that has been residing in countries outside China were often targeted, marginalized and were thought to be carrier of the virus.   Chinese were not spared from being targeted in other asian countries.  In Hong Kong, during the height of the pandemic in Wuhan, Mandarin speaking Chinese  were not welcome in many restaurants.  In the Philippines, Filipino-Chinese ( around 40 % of population ) were avoided in many places though Filipinos were aware that they were not from the mainland China.  In Australia, there was this news that 2 chinese ladies were attacked by  Australian locals.

The coronavirus pandemic had brought xenophobia which is far more grim than the pandemic.  In Europe and the United States, several chinese restaurants were attacked and vandalized.  Other asians were also targeted in Europe and the United States and were blamed for spreading the disease in the country.  They were often told to go back to the Philippines, China, India Singapore, Korea and other countries in Asia. This is really absurd, that in the toughest, many have preferred to put their displacements amid the pandemic to people who just happened to have different color. We are all humans after all.

The rise of the racists and white supremacists

This is indeed the worst and the most terrible plague of all. Racism in the United States has become more  usual and prevailing since Trump came into power.  The Neo nazis rejoiced and hailed Trump when he got elected in 2016, and they began blatantly harassing black Americans and Asians.  The white supremacists began emerging from their filthy dens and these are the white uneducated deluded people who have this beliefs that white people are superior to those of other races and thus should dominate them.  There were crimes committed before that is racially motivated.  We can all remember, Patrick  Crusius, a white American psychopath and a white supremacist who shot 22 Hispanics at Walmart in El Paso texas on August 3, 2019.  The mass shooting at El Paso Texas  highlights the continuing racially motivated violence in the United States.  In fact the United States has the highest incidents of racially motivated crime.  There are many questions among non-whites after the incidence of mass shooting in El Paso Texas, is it still safe to live in the United States.  There are other forms of racially motivated hatred by the white culprits, we have the Karens who are the middle-aged white women who are on the verge of their hormonal imbalances targeting black Americans and Asians, we also have the Proud boys and Trump supporters who think that having a white skin is a great privilege than having a working brain.  The United States that was once a truly land of the free has become a frontier of evil racists and delusional white racists  since Donald Trump elected as president.  DONALD TRUMP DIDN'T MAKE UNITES STATES RACIST, HE MADE THE RACIST COMFORTABLE ENOUGH TO SHOW THEIR FACES IN THE PUBLIC.

Saturday, 26 December 2020

Sweden confirms first case of variant coronavirus in visitor from the United Kingdom


The Swedish News

Published by: Edward Era Barbacena
Manila, Philippines

The world was caught in surprised before the end of 2019, when the covid-19 infection emerged from wuhan, China.  Now as the 2020 ends, everyone is baffled by the new variant of coronavirus which is quickly spreading in United kingdom and the country is now being placed in a spot light.

Variant coronavirus is a result of mutation in a given period of time.  This is a characteristic of a typical virus which result to a new form or variant.  A new variant may disappear or worse is that it can start infecting people.  Variant coronavirus may or may not resistant to the covid-19 vaccine.

Since November 2020, United Kingdom has reported rapid increase in coronavirus infections in the southeastern part of England. This rapid increase in cases has been linked to a different version - or - variant that causes covid-19 (SARS - COV 2 ).  Experts in the United Kingdom are now studying this new variant of coronavirus.

This variant of coronavirus of detected in Sweden after a tourist from the United Kingdom became ill and tested positive of the infection, the swedish Health Agency said on Saturday.

Health agency official Sarah Byfors told a press conference that the traveler is now quarantined by placing him in isolation.  There were no other positive cases among travelers.

According to Signe Makitalo, a regional infection control physician, the unidentified traveler was staying in Sormland, south of Stockholm.  The variant coronavirus is said to be transmitted alot faster than the usual covid-19 that has originated from Wuhan, China.

" The person tested positive with the virus traveled to Sormland from Great Britain for a visit over Christmas." Makitalo said adding that the chances of possible transmission of the virus is extremely limited.

Sweden imposed travel restrictions of passengers from Great Britain earlier this month to avoid acquiring the variant coronavirus.  Same measures taken by other countries amid the concerns over the variant.

Monday, 21 December 2020

American Journalist Ted Mcdonell believes that Philippines is still a safe country


The Philippine News

Published by: Edward Era Barbacena

Manila - the whole country was shock when the video of the killing of the mother and son Sonya Gregorio and Frank Anthony nya renegade police Jonel Nuezca in Tarlac, many have doubted and became skeptic  with all of the killing incidents that took place, Philippines may no longer be a  safe place to live.

Many of the pro-communists, media and members of the opposition that are highly critical against the Duterte administration are now on their toes taking the social media by storm just to sensationalized the horrible crime that to make the Philippines look life a hellish frontier where no one is safe and to insinuate hatred against the current administration.

Despite of these horrendous sensationalism at the expense of accuracy, one foreign journalist still believes that the Philippines is a safe place to live.  Ted McDonnell, a certified American documentarist who frequently travelled to Philippines said in his Twitter account that he had no issue going through many places in the country even to the most dangerous one.

 " I've traveled to the Philippines many times, worked as a journalist and photojournalist  inside Happy land, Malabon and other supposed dangerous places. I have never ever  had an issue." Mcdonell says in a tweet.

Mcdonell is the same journalist who slammed Maria Ressa  for making a baseless statement that the Philippines was far more grim than a war zone during an interview with Bill Whitaker of CBS'  Next edition in 60 minutes on November 10, 2019.  McDonnell immediately reacted using his social media account to denounce the cynic Ressa.  He firmly reiterated that the Philippines was a lot safer as compared to the United States and the Philippines being worst than a war zone is an "unadultarated bullshit," in addition, McDonnell said at that time that he had been a documentarist in the country for more than 5 years.

Indeed the murder of Sonya Gregorio and Frank Anthony as mother and son is indeed unacceptable and truly shocking and only an insane and cold blooded psychopath is capable of doing such thing, but does it apply to the whole current situation of the country?  President Duterte also condemns the gruesome crime committed by this heartless animal. Harry Roque said that justice will be served and Jonel Nuezca as the culprit will face an unimaginable punishment.

The Philippines may not be that totally safe as we had hoped for under the Duterte administration but in comparison to the previous administration, it is less dangerous.

Saturday, 19 December 2020

Russia hits more than 50,000 covid-19 fatalities


The Russian News

Published by:  Edward Era Barbacena

Moscow - Russia having the fourth highest cases of coronavirus has now more than 50,000 covid-19 deaths as of December 20, as the country grapples to counteract the increase in number of infections on a daily basis.

There has been an additional 585 deaths in the last 24 hours according to Russia's Coronavirus Task Force making to the total deaths of 50,347. 

The country also registered a new total cases of 28,209 bringing the national tally to 2,819,429 ( quite relatively low as compared to the United States ).

Due to the sudden increase of covid-19 cases, authorities in Moscow raided bars that had been in violation to remain closed from 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM up to January 15 of next year to lessen the possible transmission and spread of the virus.

Local tv news shows video footages of authorities and Russian riot police forcing to open door of a bar using mallet and crowbars.  The authorities said that the raided establishments have continued to serve customers 

secretively after hours, in violation of the city ordinances.

In addition, covid-19 patients confined in medical facilities  is now getting close to 13,000 and health workers and attendants are struggling to cope up with the overwhelming situation.

Russia under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin, have roll out its own manufactured Sputnik V vaccine 3 weeks ago and more than  200,000 Russians have been inoculated.  According to reports, the Russian Sputnik V vaccine  after going through series of tests and trials, is proven to be 95%  effective as compared to its western counterpart, the Pfizer-BioNtech 

Friday, 18 December 2020

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi received her covid-19 shot

Nancy Pelosi receives her covid-19 vaccine

The American News

Published by: Edward Era Barbacena

Washington -  Democrat and Speaker House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi received her covid-19 vaccine early today administered by a member of the Office of the Attending Physician.  Though there is a rapid roll off of the vaccine, Pelosi still urge the public to continue wearing masks and practice social distancing to completely eradicate the coronavirus.

" Today, with confidence in science  and at the direction of the Office of the Attending Physician, I received the covid-19 vaccine.  As the vaccine being distributed, we must all continue mask wearing,  social distancing, and other science-based steps to save lives and crush the virus."  Pelosi said in a tweet.

Pelosi has been urging the public to rely on science-based steps in order to lessen the incidence of covid-19 spread of  infections.  It was proven that adhering to this safety measures with scientific basis can really help lower down the covid-19 cases and minimize the spread of the disease.  United states leads in the global covid-19 cases and deaths  due to negligence by many of the Americans.  There are just too many anti-maskers and for them, adhering to the suggested precautionary measures to avoid acquiring the covid-19 is a violation of their so-called freedom and human rights. Today, the United States has a staggering more than 17 million covid-19 cases and more than 300,000 deaths.

Thursday, 17 December 2020

Mandatory wearing of face shield on top of mask on public places


The Philippine News

Published by: Edward Era Barbacena

Valenzuela - The Philippine government makes wearing of face shield mandatory on top of facial mask, Presidential spokesperson Harry Roque said on Tuesday.

Due to the sudden spike of covid-19 cases, in a press briefing, Roque said that the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases has made it compulsory for citizens to wear facial shields on top of facial mask once you step outside your homes and go out in the public. This is to lessen the transmission of covid-19.

Before, people were only required to wear facial shields if riding in a public transpo or entering a business establishment.

Roque has made it clear that standard face shield should be used in public places which should cover the forehead down to the chin, anything shorter than that will not be considered.

" It's not an issue of cost anymore, I doubt that there is anyone out there who doesn't have a face shield," Rogue added that people can buy standard face shield made of plastic for as low as 10 PHP.

The new policy was implemented as the Philippines braces for sudden surge of covid-19 cases in the holiday season as more people would go out to shop and meet family and friends after several months of strict quarantine protocols.

Roque also said that for those who will get caught without wearing shields, penalties will be on the discretions  of the local government units.

It was anticipated that on the cold seasons , cases of coronavirus will likely to increase.  Other countries are already experiencing a quick surge of the pandemic.  United States where there are so many anti-maskers has more than 17 million cases and more than 300,000 deaths.  India where there are many negligent people to the covid-19 precautionary and preventive measures is the second country to hit 10 million cases.  Countries that has strict disciplinary measures has a very low cases.

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulates US President-elect Joe Biden


Published by: Edward Era Barbacena

December 16, 2020

The Russian News

Moscow - Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulates US President-elect Joe Biden on Tuesday after being declared winner by the US Electoral College.  This is after a month of holding out.

Putin's message to Biden after the Electoral College have confirmed that he will the next president of the United States, corroborating his victory over the November's US presidential election as President Donald Trump refuses to accept the results of the election and  still don't want to concede.

Kremlin had made it clear and reiterated that the Russian President would hold off congratulating Biden until the is confirmed  as the next US President.  Unlike President Duterte of the Philippines, Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the United kingdom, President Emmanuel Macron of France and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany who congratulated Biden for leading the election few days after the election day.  " We are just waiting for the  end of political confrontation, "  Putin said last month, referring to the Republicans' numerous attempts to challenge the election results.

The Japanese man who was dubbed as Twitter killer was sentenced to death


The Japanese Crime News

Published by : Edward Era Barbacena

Zama - Japanese serial killer who murdered 9 suicidal young Japanese was sentenced to death on December 15 , 2020.  This horrendous incident shocked the whole nation.

Takahiro Shiraishi, who was known as the Twitter killer lured his victim who were severely depressed and suicidal using his Twitter account  to aid them in ending their miserable lives.

The killing spree began around October 2017, where he created a Twitter account to invite depressed young individuals who wanted to end their lives. Shiraishi, was the one who put an end to their miseries by killing them and dismembered their bodies and placed them on his freezer.  It was called as the "Zama suicide pact slaying " which is considered as a high profile case of murder and butchery in Japan.

This is a very different kind of serial killing that the culprit didn't have to stalk his victim but used social media to invite potential preys.

He was caught and arrested on November of 2017, when one of the victims' brother started his own investigation after his sister gone missing.  He was assisted by a woman to contact Shiraishi to set up a fake appointment.  They were aided by the police.

The police arrived in his place and asked where the missing lady was. Shiraishi, with no hesitation told the police she was in the freezer.  The police were shocked to discover that there were none dismembered bodies kept in the freezer.  The neighbors testified that there was a foul smell of rotting flesh was coming from Shiraishi's place -  " a smell of death."

Shiraishi confessed to the police that he murdered them upon their request before cutting their bodies into pieces and he told his father that his life had no significance anymore.

He had pleaded guilty to the horrific crimes he committed in october and stated that all of the allegations " were all true."

Eight of his victims were all young women and one of them was only 15 years old.

His lawyers had earlier argued that the charges against Shiraishi should have been reduced because his victims were suicidal and implored him to end their lives.

The 30 year old psychopath lured his victims using his social media account, telling them that he could help to end their lives and die alongside with them.

Sunday, 13 December 2020

New York Police Shot a Gunman at the NYC Cathedral After Concert


Photo courtesy of Reuters

The American News

Published by: Edward Era Barbacena

New York - An unidentified gunman opened fire at the steps of NYC Cathedral church of St. John the Divine just right after the choir performance on Sunday.  The gunman was later on shot by the police.

No one was harm not struck by gunfire, thanks to the quick action and response by three officers who were present during the incident who confronted and apprehend the suspect. New York City police commissioner Dermont Shea told the reporters following the late afternoon violence at the Manhattan's west upper side.

The gunman was not identified and was shot on the head during the exchange of gunfire. He was rushed to a local hospital where he was declared dead. Shea told reporters that the police fired a total of 15 rounds at the shooter.

Police recovered a semiautomatic hand gun from the scene and a back pack from the suspect that contained a can of gasoline, several knives, tape, rope, holy scriptures and wire.

The shooting took place at the landmark cathedral for the Episcopal Diocese at New York right after 15 minutes of the conclusion of the choir performances at the cathedral steps attended by more than 200 people.

The annual Christmas concert was moved outside the cathedral where social distancing can be practiced and to avoid the risk of covid-19 infections.  The performers and audiences have either gone inside the church or left before the shooting incident took place.

There were only about less than 20 people when the gunman appeared on the steps of the cathedral shouting  "kill me" and  "shoot me," as he opened fired several times causing panic among bystanders at the church. Police officers who took cover ordered the suspect to drop his weapon before  shooting him.

Because of the pandemic there were only few audiences as compared to the previous years so no one got hurt nor struck by the gunshots.

The unidentified shooter was wearing a black winter coat, a white baseball cap and a face mask printed with Dominican flag on it as he stood wielding two handguns on each hands.  He was also carrying a back pack.

Saturday, 12 December 2020

Iran Executed Antagonist Journalist Ruholla Zam


The Iranian News

December 12, 2020

Published by: Edward Era Barbacena

Tehran - Iranian Journalist Ruholla Zam who was convicted for inciting sedition during the anti-government protest in 2017 was executed on Saturday.

Iran's supreme court on December 8 upheld the death sentence of Zam, who was captured in 2019 after a period of excile.  His Amadnews had more than 1 million followers.

Local broadcaster said on Saturday, "  Zam, the director of counter-revolutionary Amadnews network, was hung this morning."

France and other Human Rights group have condemned Iran Supreme court for handling down the death sentence of Zam who was being highly critical against the government.

Iranian officials have accused the United States, Saudi Arabia and  oppositions who are living in exile of aggravating incite among protesters during the unrest of late 2017 which was triggered nationwide economic struggles.

Officials said that around 21 demonstrators were killed and hundreds got arrested.  Such unrest was considered as the worst in Iran  that took place in decades and followed by protests that were far more grim last year fueled by price inflation.

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Britain will likely change the meaning of 'treasure' to protect the country's collections of rare artifacts.


The British News

Published by: Edward E. Barbacena

December 8, 2020

London -When we say "treasure," what comes into our mind are the precious objects being haunted and searched by the finders who looking for a better fortune. We have the lost arch of exodus, the Yamashita lost treasure and many more.

The United kingdom is now proposing the definition of the so-called "treasure" in order to protect the country's collections of rare artifacts that are mostly kept at the British  Museum

With the creation of 1996Treasure act, The Great Britain defined treasure as legally and speaking narrowly with findings that are designated as such they're more than 300 years old, made of gold or silver or found alongside artifacts containing precious metals. Once reported as treasure, it becomes a property of state and finders are legally required to turn over the artifacts to the government or authorities for public display at national or local museum.

This limited definition will not include array of rare artifacts making them available to sell to private collectors or even the black market which is a major loss to the public. To avoid such situation,  British culture minister Caroline Dineage has announced the major change that will expand and modify the 25 year  definition of treasure beyond artifacts' materials qualities making it easier for museum to both aquire and protect the national heritage items and to them available for the next generation.

Saturday, 5 December 2020

United Kingdom's Queen Elizabeth to receive Covid-19 vaccine in weeks


The English News

Published by : Edward Barbacena

December 6, 2020

London - Her majesty Queen Elizabeth of the Great Britain will receive the Covid-19 vaccine produce by Pfizer-BioNtech in weeks after the United kingdom gave way to the emergency approval and the world's first roll-out.  United kingdom is also the second nation in Europe to do a mass vaccination after Russia.

The royal couple Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip are in line for the vaccination due to their ages and will not receive preferential treatment.

The elderlies will be the first one to get inoculated and should reveal to the public through media that they have received the coronavirus vaccine.  This is to remove fear of side effects among the British due to misinformation from anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists that could affect the enthusiasm for getting vaccinated.

According to the health officials, the roll-out of the vaccine will be based on age and vulnerability. The next in line to get inoculated are those who are most vulnerable.

United kingdom ordered 40 million doses and is set to be given to the first 800,000 batch on next week roll-out.

Source: BBC

Friday, 4 December 2020

Israeli police arrested a Jewish man for setting fire to the Catholic Church in Jerusalem


The Israeli News

Published by: Edward Era Barbacena

December 5, 2020

Israeli police arrested a Jewish man for setting fire to the interior of the Catholic Church church called the Church of all nations located in the Mount Olives in Jerusalem on December 4

The unidentified 49 year old Jewish is believed to be as the same suspect for burning different holy sites in Jerusalem on the basis of hate crime against the Catholic Church but no evidence has been verified.

Based on reports, the man set fire to the interior of the church by pouring flammable fluid and setting it aflame.  A church guard noticed the man and seized him until the israeli police arrived to the scene. Fortunately, the fire didn't spread and consume the whole church and only a small portion of the interior got burned.  Firefighters arrived on time. No injuries were reported and the damages were considered minimal. 

Source: The Jerusalem News

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte Tells UN That Excluding Poor Nations from Covid-19 Distribution is 'Gross injustice'


The Philippine Political News

December 4, 2020

Philippine strong man leader tells the international community that excluding the poor nations and developing countries for the universal access to the covid-19 vaccine would be a " gross injustice."

President Duterte made the statement as he addresses the United Nations General Assembly ( UNGA ) for the second time at the 31st special session in response to the covid-19 pandemic on December 4.

" Life-saving services and products must be made accessible to the most vulnerable - the most to the least." he said.

According to Duterte, leaving the poor nations behind during the pandemic recovery will surely discredit the virtues of the UN.

Mass shooting in Sweden leaves 10 students at a Swedish school for adults

  Mass shooting in Sweden leaves 10 students at a Swedish school for adults  Authorities in Örebro, Sweden, have confirmed that approximatel...