Sunday 15 September 2024

The 'Muslim Martin Luther’ Has Been Convicted of Rape


The 'Muslim Martin Luther’ Has Been Convicted of Rape

By Edward Era Barbacena 

It is impossible to overstate how shocking this is for those who have praised Ramadan to the skies for so very long. For many years, Tariq Ramadan was the darling of the Western intelligentsia. In 2002, Salon hailed him as “the Muslim Martin Luther.” In 2004, Time Magazine listed him as one of the 100 most influential people in the world today. In 2012, Foreign Policy included him on its list of the top 100 global thinkers “for telling us that Islam and democracy can go together — just when it matters.”

Now those accolades, and the many others that Ramadan received, stand as mute witness to the left’s tendency to shower with honors those who tell it what it wants to hear. Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported Tuesday that Ramadan has been “convicted on appeal of rape and sexual coercion by a Geneva court.” This has been a long time coming, as Ramadan has faced numerous accusations in recent years of “masking violence and radicalism behind a mild facade.”

For years, Ramadan dismissed such allegations as “racism” and “Islamophobia.” In a Dec. 2019 video, he claimed that the accusations against him were all an attempt to discredit him and thereby “neutralize the Muslims.” He added: “We have to be clear that there is discrimination, stigmatization, racism that is at stake in the whole issue. And I was a symbol. To destroy me meant, let the people understand: If you want to be vocal you have to face the reality. It happened to Tariq Ramadan now, it could happen to anyone in the future.”

Even worse, RFI reported in 2020, after two more women accused him of rape, that “supporters of Ramadan, who is a professor of contemporary Islamic studies at Oxford’s St. Anthony’s College, have called the accusations against him part of a ‘international Zionist plot’ to blacken his name.” Of course!

It couldn’t have been that a cosseted Muslim academic, hailed and feted all over Europe and the United States despite the abject vacuity and sinister disingenuousness of his thought, began to indulge his worst impulses, now, could it? He couldn’t have been tempted to do so when it became clear that, in light of his value to Western authorities as a “moderate Muslim” who seemed to prop up their fantasies about the jihad threat, he would be allowed to get away with virtually anything – could he?

“Virtually anything” is actually an understatement. One of his accusers said he subjected her to “blows to the face and body, forced sodomy, rape with an object and various humiliations, including being dragged by the hair to the bathtub and urinated on.” His sadism appears to have been, if one allegation is true, closely intertwined with his celebrated Islamic piety: another one of his accusers said he told her he was raping her because she didn’t wear a hijab. In a similar vein, as more and more women began to accuse him of rape, one of those accusers has already been beaten and threatened.

His public persona was shot through with duplicity. French journalist Caroline Fourest’s illuminating book "Brother Tariq: The Doublespeak of Tariq Ramadan" states that this much-lionized putative “Muslim Martin Luther” was actually anything but a reformer: in reality, Ramadan was “remaining scrupulously faithful to the strategy mapped out by his grandfather, a strategy of advance stage by stage” toward the imposition of Islamic law in the West. Ramadan is the grandson of Hasan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Fourest was the first to reveal, back in 2017, that Ramadan had at least four other victims besides the first woman who came forward, Henda Ayari. “A request for religious advice turned into a compulsive sexual relationship, sometimes consented to, often violent and very humiliating, before ending in threats.”

Fourest had evidence. “I presented it to a judge. But Tariq Ramadan scared him too much…. I am well-placed to know the violence of the networks of the Muslim Brotherhood when one stands up to ‘brother Tariq.’”

“It was a plot,” Ramadan insisted. “It was a political set up. And this could happen to anyone.” The worst part of this duplicitous whining is that even now that Ramadan has been convicted, there are hordes of deluded leftists who will fall for it.

Saturday 14 September 2024

Filipino Paedhopile Cruise Ship Stateroom Attendant From Batangas Placed Cameras, Hid Under Beds to Produce Child Pornography


Filipino Paedhopile Cruise Ship Stateroom Attendant From Batangas Placed Cameras, Hid Under Beds to Produce Child Pornography

Arvin Joseph Mirasol has been sentenced to three decades in prison following his trial for surreptitiously planting cameras in cruise ship cabins and producing child pornography.

By Edward Era Barbacena 

For some passengers on Royal Caribbean’s Symphony of the Seas cruise ship, it became a nightmare of shame and violation when they learned that a stateroom attendant had installed video cameras in their bathrooms and even hid under the bed to video them dressing after their showers.

The paedhopile Arvin Joseph Mirasol, 34,  from Lipa, Batangas, Philippines was sentenced Aug. 28 to 30 years in prison after pleading guilty to producing child pornography, the U.S. Attorney for South Florida reported in a press release. He must also undergo sex offender treatments while he is incarcerated.

If there is any “bright side” to this dark tale, it would be that Mirasol’s voyeuristic reign of terror lasted only a few months, from December 2023 to Feb. 25, according to the criminal complaint.

Mirasol’s perversion was discovered when a guest found a camera mounted under the bathroom sink and reported it to ship security, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said. The camera was found on Feb. 25. Royal Caribbean Cruise Line notified law enforcement the next day.

Crimes in International Waters

The offenses occurred while the ship was sailing in international waters, according to a March 7 detention hearing ruling and other court documents attained by The Daily Muck. Crimes committed in international waters fall “within the special maritime jurisdiction of the United States,” the investigators noted in their statements to the court.

When the ship docked at Port Everglades on March 3, agents from Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection boarded the ship to investigate. During that investigation, they found videos of children in various stages of undress and naked women passengers on Mirasol’s electronic devices. Investigators said they found images of 11 victims on Mirasol’s electronic devices, dating back to December 2023.

He was arrested and held without bond because U.S. Magistrate Judge Alicia O. Valle found he was a substantial flight risk due to his Philippine citizenship and facing a substantial prison sentence if convicted.

Mirasol made prosecutors’ job easy by including a video of himself installing a camera in one of the bathrooms, according to the criminal complaint.

I Want To Control It, But I Can’t

Mirasol waived his rights and admitted to putting a video camera in guests’ bathrooms. As a stateroom attendant, he had access to the passengers’ rooms to clean and service the cabins. He said he would retrieve the camera, view the videos and “pleasure himself."

Mirasol told them, “I want to control it, but I can’t.” In his plea agreement with U.S. Attorney’s Office, the predator told the agents, “If I like who is in that room, I place it.”

He said he typically targeted teenage girls 16 and older, but admitted he knew it was illegal to video underage girls. Agents reported finding videos on his devices of girls as young as 2-years-old.

They told the magistrate that two videos were of a 10-year-old girl “undressing, showering, and drying herself in the bathroom. At various points in the video, the child’s vagina is clearly visible.”

Snuck Into Cabins While They Were Occupied, Hid Under Bed

Mirasol said he would also sneak into the staterooms while passengers were showering, hide under the bed and use his cell phone to record them when they were naked.

Thursday 12 September 2024

Malaysian police rescue 400 minors from sexual abuse at muslim charity homes


Malaysian police rescue 400 minors from sexual abuse at  muslim charity homes

Victims aged between one and 17 were sexually abused and taught to do the same to each other at the facilities, police say

By Edward Era Barbacena 

REUTERS: Malaysian authorities rescued more than 400 children on Wednesday suspected of being sexually abused at charity homes run by a prominent Islamic business organisation with links to a banned religious sect, the top police official said.

Police arrested 171 adults, including 'ustazs' or Islamic religious teachers, during coordinated raids on 20 premises across two Malaysian states, Inspector-General of Police Razarudin Husain said.

Those rescued included 201 boys and 201 girls, aged between one and 17, after reports were filed this month that alleged neglect, abuse, sexual harassment and molestation, Razarudin told a press conference. He did not say who wrote the reports.

The homes were all run by Global Ikhwan Services and Business (GISB), Razarudin said.

In a statement late Wednesday, GISB denied the sexual abuse allegations and said it did not manage the charity homes. "It is not in our policy to plan and carry out actions that are against Islamic and national laws," the company said, adding that it would file a police report and demand an investigation.

GISB, involved in businesses ranging from supermarkets to laundromats, operates in multiple countries, including Indonesia, Singapore, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, France, Australia and Thailand, according to its website.

Razarudin said preliminary police investigations had found that the rescued minors were children of Malaysian GISB employees, who were sent to the homes shortly after they were born, before being subjected to multiple forms of abuse.

The children will be sent for health screening and documentation, Razarudin said, adding that the case was being investigated under laws covering sexual offences against children and human trafficking.

"The children and religious sentiments were also used to gain public sympathy and raise funds for the organisation," he said. "What we have seen is the indoctrination of children using religious tools in a harmful way."

Muslim militants are murdering thousands of Christians but the mainstream media won't reveal it


Muslim militants are murdering thousands of Christians but the mainstream media won't reveal it

By Edward Era Barbacena 

If 16.2 million Muslims had been displaced in sub-Saharan Africa due to violence by Christians, what would be the level of coverage in a Western news outlet such as the BBC? One imagines it would be quite substantial.

Open Doors, a charity which supports persecuted Christians around the world, is trying to draw attention to the displacement of this number of Christians in the region by Islamist violence. But it faces an uphill task in generating interest in the mainstream Western media.

Open Doors has produced a film featuring Pastor Barnabas, who ministers to a Christian congregation in a displacement camp for Christians who have fled Islamist violence in Benue State in northern Nigeria. He is shown saying: “Millions of Christians are displaced, here in Nigeria. Millions of Christians are displaced in Africa. The news doesn’t care about it, politicians don’t talk about it, governments don’t talk about it, global politics don’t talk about it. Nobody talks about it.”

The film shows Pastor Barnabas stooping down and indicating the tent in which his family of eight has been living for nearly five years. Their home is made of palm leaves and mosquito nets with some cardboard evident. “It’s smaller than a double mattress,” he says.

Open Doors reports:

Last year, and for many years, more Christians were killed for their faith in Nigeria than the rest of the world combined. The same violent persecution is quickly spreading across other parts of sub-Saharan Africa, as Islamic extremist ideology spreads: as well as these murders, huge numbers of believers are injured, abducted, sexually assaulted or forced to flee from their homes.

Pastor Barnabas describes the attack by militant Muslim Fulani herdsmen on his family farm: “I was on the farm with my brother, Everen, and his wife, Friday. We heard shooting. We saw people running in different directions. We didn’t know what was happening.

“My brother was shot by the militants, and my brother’s wife was also shot and then macheted and killed by the militants.”

Earlier this month, Christian Today publicised a report by the Observatory for Religious Freedom in Africa (ORFA) which says nearly 17,000 Nigerian Christians lost their lives because of violence between 2019 and 2023.

The reports says that over half the deaths (55%) were at the hands of radicalised Muslim Fulani herdsmen. “Islamist extremists enjoy relative freedom to carry out atrocities against civilians in large regions of Nigeria,” ORFA observed. 

The study records that there were Muslim fatalities in the violence but the number of Christian victims (16,769) more than doubled the number of Muslims killed (6,235).

“In states where attacks occur, proportional loss to Christian communities is exceptionally high. In terms of state populations, 6.5 times as many Christians are being murdered as Muslims,” said ORFA. 

Senior ORFA analyst Frans Vierhout said: “Millions of people are left undefended. For years, we’ve heard of calls for help being ignored, as terrorists attack vulnerable communities. Now the data tells its own story.”

The BBC does occasionally cover the violence in Nigeria. For example, in June 2022 BBC Verify did a feature on ‘Are attacks on Christians in Nigeria on the rise?‘

But it would appear that the general lack of journalistic interest in the current crisis in sub-Saharan Africa is down to the woke mind virus that has infected the Western media. If the story were about Muslims or LGBT people rather than about Christians, wouldn’t Western news organisations be putting a lot more resources into covering it?

Tuesday 3 September 2024

12 dead after migrant boat sinks in waters off northern France


12 dead after migrant boat sinks in waters off northern France

By Edward Era Barbacena 

A boat carrying migrants ripped apart in the English Channel as they attempted to reach Britain from northern France on Tuesday, plunging dozens into the treacherous waterway and leaving 12 dead, authorities said.

Many didn't have life preservers in what one official called the deadliest migrant accident in the channel this year.

"Unfortunately, the bottom of the boat ripped open," said Olivier Barbarin, mayor of Le Portel near the fishing port of Boulogne-sur-Mer, where a first aid post was set up to treat victims. "If people don't know how to swim in the agitated waters ... it can go very quickly."

The mayor said 12 died after initially giving a toll of 13. Lt. Etienne Baggio, a spokesman for the French maritime prefecture that oversees that stretch of sea, said rescuers pulled a total of 65 people from the waters in a search operation that lasted more than four hours. Doctors confirmed 12 did not survive, he said.

Baggio called it the deadliest migrant boat tragedy in the English Channel this year. Many of those aboard didn't have life vests, he said. It was not immediately clear how the boat ripped open or what kind of boat it was. Some attempt the crossing in rubber dinghies.

The maritime prefecture said the boat got into difficulty off Gris-Nez point between Boulogne-sur-Mer and the port of Calais further north. Sea temperatures off northern France were around 20 degrees C, or about 68 F.

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said he was heading to the scene of what he described as the "terrible shipwreck." Last week, the leaders of France and Britain agreed to deepen cooperation on illegal migration in the channel.

Europe's increasingly strict asylum rules, growing xenophobia and hostile treatment of migrants have been pushing them north.

At least 30 migrants have died or gone missing while trying to cross to the U.K. this year, according to the International Organization for Migration. That figure doesn't include the latest deaths.

At least 2,109 migrants have tried to cross the English Channel on small boats in the past seven days, according to U.K. Home Office data updated Tuesday. The data includes people found in the channel or on arrival.

Homosexual illegal immigrant arrested for raping 10-year-old boy in Mississippi


Homosexual illegal immigrant arrested for raping 10-year-old boy in Mississippi 

By Edward Era Barbacena 

A previously deported illegal immigrant from Mexico with a significant rap sheet allegedly raped a 10-year-old boy in Mississippi, Homeland Security sources told The Post.

The Pontotoc County Sheriff’s Department said its deputies arrested “illegal alien” Filiberto Gonzalez, 34, at his area home Aug. 12 for the alleged rape.

Gonzalez previously snuck into the country at an unknown time and was arrested by Mississippi authorities in 2012 for an assault, which he was convicted of, and a DUI in 2016, according to sources.

He was then deported by Immigration and Customs Enforcement in 2017 but again snuck back into the country at an unknown time, sources said.

Gonzalez remains in the sheriff’s custody pending his upcoming hearing on two charges of rape.

It remains unclear when and where Gonzalez entered the US.

The sexual assault is only among the latest in a slew of alleged migrant-perpetrated sex crimes. Over a recent two-week period, there were at least three such reputed migrant crimes in New York City alone.

Senegalese migrant Papa Diop, 38, was arrested last week for allegedly raping a 36-year-old woman in The Bronx, according to authorities. He crossed the border in 2023 and was released into the US because of a lack of detention space.

The day before Diop’s arrest, cops nabbed Nicaraguan national Daniel Davon-Bonilla, 24, for allegedly raping a woman at knifepoint under the Coney Island boardwalk in Brooklyn.

Davon-Bonilla allegedly had a fellow migrant accomplice, who smashed the victim’s boyfriend with a pipe when he tried to intervene, according to police and prosecutors.

Ousmane Balde, 20, who hails from Guinea, also was arrested Aug. 6 and is accused of fondling a 57-year-old woman in Central Park in Manhattan

The 'Muslim Martin Luther’ Has Been Convicted of Rape

  The 'Muslim Martin Luther’ Has Been Convicted of Rape By Edward Era Barbacena  It is impossible to overstate how shocking this is for ...