Saturday, 1 February 2020

Pets thrown to death by owners after rumors of animals transmit Corona virus

The Corona Virus Outbreak News - China

      Few of pet owners have gone paranoid and threw their pets to death out of the windows of their tower blocks after rumors of the Corona virus can be transmitted by animals.

       In Tianjin city, residents were shocked to see a dog lying dead on the pavement.  Reports claimed that the owner threw the dog from one block of flat.   In Shanghai, five cats found dead that were allegedly thrown by their owners.   According to residents, the cats were not feral cats because they were clean and had smooth fur.

      According to local reports, the poor pooch was obviously thrown by the panicking owner around 4 AM from the upper floors of the tower block and smashed into the roof of a car before ending up dead on the ground.

     According to residents, they heard a loud smashing sound which woke them up. They thought it was a tire that exploded. The next thing they saw was a dog lying dead on the pavement with blood staining the bricks.

      The horrendous incidents of pets being thrown by their paranoid owners was triggered  after Dr. Li Lanjuan made an assumptions statement on Chinese TV program said : "if pets come into contact with suspected patients, they should be quarantined."

     What makes it worse when local media exaggerated her statement into "cats and dogs can spread the Corona virus."

     The inaccurate and bogus claims that pets can transmit the disease spread like wildfire on social media.

      In order to combat the inaccurate claims, China Global Television Network posted a statement from the World Health Organization about animals in relation to the Corona virus. "There is no evidence showing that pets such as cats and dogs can contract the novel corona virus." Stated by the WHO on January 29.


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