Friday, 30 December 2022

American man of York County charged with assault after allegedly biting 10-month-old, destroying property


American man of York County charged with assault after allegedly biting 10-month-old, destroying property

Joseph Wakeley, 30,  a white man destroyed several items within the victim's home after an argument allegedly broke out regarding bruising on a child.

By Edward Era Barbacena

A white man of York County man is facing several assault charges after allegedly biting a ten-month-old infant at least twice. 

According to an affidavit released by the Southern Regional Police Department, an Oct. 15 call to police alleged Joseph Wakeley, 31, from York County, destroyed several items inside the victim's home and left several bruises on a baby. 

Responding officers at the scene noted damage around the doorframe of the victim's home. Inside, officers saw items thrown around in the kitchen and living room, including a TV. Food was observed thrown around the kitchen and the coffee table was flipped upside down, according to the affidavit. 

The caller reportedly explained to officers that Wakeley had argued with her over bruises that appeared on the child. 

The victim also told police that someone had "hit her up" on Facebook, which further enraged Wakeley. He allegedly destroyed rooms within the home and then left on foot. 

Police were able to contact Wakeley over the phone, where he allegedly admitted to "trashing the residence" because he was upset. However, over the phone, Wakeley denied knowing how the child was bruised. 

An examination of the child's bruising by York Hospital concluded the bruising was two separate bite marks, one on the shoulder and one on the lower back. 

The exam indicated that the bite marks were from an adult and "there is a risk of infection at the site of the bite," making them dangerous. 

The marks appeared to indicate an impression of a lip piercing, which Wakeley had two of at the time of the incident. 

According to police, Wakeley refused to cooperate with police throughout the investigation. 

On Dec. 16, a York County CYS caseworker was able to meet with Wakeley. According to the caseworker, when asked why the 10-month-old had bite marks, Wakeley responded, "I bit him." 

Wakeley allegedly continued to say that he was playing around and must have bit the child too hard. 

The damages done to the victim's apartment totaled $1,930. 

As a result, Wakeley has been charged with aggravated assault, endangering the welfare of children, simple assault, recklessly endangering another person and criminal mischief. 

He is currently in York County Prison. 

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