Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Carrie Lam and Leonora Robredo: The Most Hated Female Political Figures in Asia

Asian Political News

     Philippine Vice President Maria Leonora Robredo and Hong kong's Chief Executive are the most talked about and highly criticized female politicians in their own territorial domain.  They are the most despice because they are in their positions that wherein they were not voted by their own people and most of all they are being supported by the communist movements.

Manila, Philippines - Robredo and Lam are the most controversial female politicians today.  Both are being derided by the people of their own countries.  Citizens of the Philippines claimed that Robredo acquired the second highest position in the country by electoral fraud and they claimed that  Ferdinand ' Bong bong '  Marcos the progeny of the ousted President Marcos is the real Vice President.  Up to know, majority of the Philippines are still  waiting for the results of the electoral recount that are apparently being delayed by Robredo and her political allies including the communist legal fronts.

     Carrie Lam on the other hand had become embattled since the Hong Kong protests ignited after introducing the now withdrawn ' extradition bill '  Pro-Democracy law makers were against the controversial bill because this would be a one step for China to creep Hong Kong.  Many of the Pro-Democracy law makers believe that China couldn't wait for 2047 when the " One country, two systems " will expire. That's the time when Hong Kong will be officially be part of the communist China.  Lam was persistent to push the bill that led to the majority of the people of Hong Kong to go out and march on the different streets of the 18 districts of Hong Kong.  The peaceful protests escalated to violence and riots when the hard liners of the movements clashed against the  riot police and after 13 weeks of turmoil, the embattled Lam finally announced the withdrawal of the bill but it was all too late. According to one of the protests leaders Joshua Wong, the protests will go on because they have five demands and the withdrawal of the bill is just one of them.  It is now the 25th week since the protests sparked but Lam shows that she is not willing to back down and giving way to the rest of the demands will not happen.

 The Lost of Trust

     Ever since the Liberal party came into power in the Philippines after the Ferdinand Marcos was ousted, Corruption and crimes related to drugs  had drastically increased because of the abuse of the so-called " democracy"  Corrupt politicians who were allies of the Liberal party have taken the government and abiding citizens became the victims of drug addicts and other cold blooded criminals.  For 30 years, the streets of the Philippines were just not safe. Corruption and crimes brought about by illegal drugs became more rampart when Noynoy Aquino a direct blood line of former president Corazon Aquino was elected  as president.  According to allot of people, his performance as a leader was just to lame.   People grew tired of the Liberal party for mishandling the country.  People wanted someone who can end up corruption and eradicate crimes. Strongman leader Rodrigo Duterte came into power  and won that election by a landslide.  More than 80 percent of the Filipino people approve his strict diciplinary measures that remarkably lessened the cases corruption and crimes.  Despite of having a good outcome, the opposition strongly denounced  it.  This leftists group  - the Liberal party is headed by the Vice president Robredo who turns out to be the President's infamous critics.

     People using the social media condemn  Vice President Robredo for interfering with the President Duterte's   "war on drugs" wich aims to end end crimes related to drugs and hardened criminals.  She was referred to as the only "fake vice president "  thinking only the welfare of the cold blooded criminals and disregard the welfare of the welfare of the law abiding citizens.  One of the main reasons why more people hate is because she is the highest ranking member of the Liberal Party and just don't trust them anymore.  In resent major election that she headed last May, the Liberal party's senatorial candidates the " Otso direrso suffered a massive lost in the senatorial race.  Robredo became more controversial when she criticized the government's war one drugs claiming that it was a total failure and recommended to be reassessed despite of great numbers of citizens who are very much satisfied with it.  President Duterte appointment her as a drug csar to see if she could do better but after weeks, she was fired by the President for incompetence.  When it comes to the issues related to drug problem, alot of citizens think that she is smart enough to come up with a concrete solution to end crimes related to drugs. Many are just too happy she she was out of the job.

     In Hong Kong, the people's anger on Lam grew more when she expressed her strong support for the Hong Kong police despite of the great numbers of violations on the human rights not only of the protesters but also to ordinary civilians as well. She Stated that people should rely on the police force in a rough situation and no fatalities were reported yet  " we have to trust to the force and the commanders in dealing with such different situation that there have been no reported fatalities."  Said by Lam in a press conference last September 27.   On September 27 few days after the withdrawal of the extradition bill, Lam failed to gain the trust of the people and lambasted in her live  own live telecast open dialogue telling her that she wasn't fit for the job as a leader of Hong Kong and she was urged to ruesign.  On October 4, Carrie Lam implemented the "anti-mask law "  that prohibits the used of facial coverings in the public.  Thousands of citizens defied the new city ordinance and went out of the streets wearing different sorts of masks to mock Lam and up to now, protesters are still wearing masks.

    In the resent elections, the Pro-Democracy candidates won that overshadowed the pro-Beijings. 17 out 18 districts favored the pro-democrats aspirants.  This reflects how the majority of the people of Hong Kong are so dismayed with the manner of leadership of Lam.

The Support of the Communists

    Hong Kong and the Philippines are both countries that are known for their well elaborated forms of democracy.  Such political ideologies were earned from their colonizers.  The Hong Kong inherited the Democratic way of government from the United kingdom of Great Britain and the Philippines carried on the Democracy passed down by the United States of America after gaining it's indipendence. Both indipendent countries are now facing the biggest challenge and that is the " threat of communism.'

     In 1972, Ferdinand Marcos who was the President of the Philippines during that time because of the threat of communism.  The kind of communism that led to the capture of Cambodia by the communist episgones called the Khmer rouge and the fall of Saigon which was invaded by the communist Vietcong.  Philippines has it's communists terrorists, the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People's Army. These communist symphatisers collaborated with the members of the Liberal party to destabilize the government.  The martial law was indeed a nightmare among the communist votarist and collaborators.  After Ferdinand Marcos was ousted by the Liberal party, the communist were able to creep the government and formed different kinds of legal fronts. These communist fronts are still working in shadow of the government up to now.

      In relation to the drug issues, the Communist Party of the Philippines and the NPA supported Leni Robredo when she criticized President Duterte's war against drugs though the law abiding citizens and the Pro-Democracy people condemned Robredo for making a premature critism.  " Her description on the drug war as ineffective reflects the sentiments of the majority of the Filipino people who are skeptical of Duterte's real aim but are silenced and paralyzed by the reign of terror and violence." Stated by the CPP-NPA.   " It has become crystal clear that Duterte's drug war is a big hoax. VP Robredo correctly observes that the country is now saturated with Shabu and other drugs." The communist groups added.  

     Robredo being the highest ranking official of the Liberal party makes her an effecient asset for the communist symphatisers to take down the current government.

    In Hong kong, the Pro-Democracy citizens will not accept the ideology of communist.  It is something that they will die for in order to preserve it. It wasn't the first that they help a wide protests.  In 2014, China has decided to limit the Democracy in Hong kong.  Hong Kongers can no longer vote their chief executive but will be appointed by China. People of Hong Kong strongly disagreed with the fear of communist encroachment bit by bit.  The pro-democrats people formed the " Umbrella revolution " to defy China's move to take away their freedom to vote their Chief Executive but such defiance failed.  The democratic Hong Kong since then has been ruled by pro-communist Chief Executives that are appointed by China and the people of Hong Kong specially the Cantonese speaking are so disgusted by it.

      Carrie Lam is the 4th Chief Executive of Hong Kong appointed by China since 2017.  Her biggest mistake was the proposal of the extradition bill which would allow the government to extradite a suspect of heinous crimes to the Mainland China to face trial.  Citizens of Hong Kong don't trust the Chinese the judiciary proceedings.  Pro-Democracy law makers strongly hindered the bill but Lam was supported by the pro-communists lawakers.  This led to the ongoing and the longest protests by far.  In addition, Lam fails to see the violations of human rights committed by the Hong Kong police against the people of Hong Kong.  The UN have condemned the Hong Kong police for their inhumane brutality against the young protesters but Lam prefers to support the Hong Kong police.  With all the intense protests by the people of Hong Kong, Lam remains firm and doesn't show any signs of backing down. The people of Hong Kong look at her as a puppet of the communist tyrant being used as a tool to spread communism in Hong kong.

     Robredo and Lam are now facing their toughest moments in their political careers as they both suffer the snares of the law abiding citizens and the Pro-Democracy people.  One is accused of winning the election by massive cheating and the other one  is a blind puppet being used by the communist authoritarianism.  Both are assets to the communists movements that are determined to deface democracy and both were not  elected by their own people.


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