Saturday, 23 November 2019

The Last of the Sumatran Rhinoceros Dies In Malaysia

The Malaysian Wildlife News

A female Sumatran rhinoceros named Iman being the last of it's kind, died as declared by a Malaysian Zoologist.  

Sumatra, Malaysia -   Zoologist have declared that a female Sumatran rhinoceros have died and it happened earlier than expected.

     The female two horned rhinoceros named " Iman " revealed to have suffered a malignant tumor in the state of Sabah, in the island of Borneo.

     According to local reports, Iman being the last of it's kind was succumbed by uterine cancer since it was captured from the wilderness and had been experiencing an excruciating dull pain. " Iman's death  came rather sooner than we have expected, but we knew that she was starting to suffer significant pain." Stated by Augustine Tuuga, Director of the Sabah wildlife department.

     " Despite us knowing that this would happen sooner than later, we are so saddened by this news." added Christina Liew, Sabah environment minister.

     Due to the presence of uterine malignant tumor for the past few years, Iman suffered a prolonged bleeding leading  to massive blood loss - but on each occasions, wildlife officials were able to provide an appropriate medical intervention and were able to nurse her back to a healthy condition. Her eggcells were obtained by medical researchers for possible collaboration with other scientists to reproduce the critically endangered species through artificial insemination.

     Things didn't turn out to be favorable for the medical team.  The last male Sumatran rhinoceros perished in May and another female Sumatran rhinoceros died in 2017.  All of the efforts in order to breed them apparently ended up being futile.

     The Sumatran rhinoceros once abundant and roamed across the South East Asia to as far as India. Due to deforestation their numbers have drastically decreased in addition, they were haunted down be poacher8 because of their precious horns that cost a very high value in the black market.


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