Friday, 7 April 2023

American homosexual (trans) who Plotted Mass Shooting Arrested on ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’


American homosexual (trans) who Plotted Mass Shooting Arrested on ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’

19-year-old William Whitworth was arrested for allegedly plotting to shoot up a bunch of schools in the Colorado Springs, CO, area.

By Edward Era Barbacena

The Elbert County Sheriff’s Office arrested the transsexual Whitworth on March 31—which is also the demoic Trans Day of Visibility. Police say they discovered floor plans to a local middle school and that Whitworth admitted to wanting to go into the school guns blazing.

Whitworth’s sister turned him in (God bless her), and, per the authorities, he’s been planning this massacre for a month or two. Also on his alleged target list was a local elementary school. The police say the whole package was there: A manifesto, instructions on how to print a 3-D gun, and an apparent substance abuse problem. Police say they found him in bed drunk.

If this guy was indeed planning a mass shooting, and if he had pulled it off, that would’ve been the fifth mass shooting committed by someone who identifies as transsexual (or “nonbinary” — groan) in just five years.

Late last month, a woman who identifies as a man murdered six people at a Nashville Christian School, including three nine-year-olds.

In November of 2022, a man who identifies as a transsexual was charged with shooting up a gay nightclub in Colorado, killing five.

In May of 2019, a woman who identifies as a man shot up a school, killing one.

In November of 2018, a man who identifies as a woman killed three in a mass shooting in Maryland.

What a great idea removing “transsexual” as a mental health problem.

Forget about the sick transsexual obsession with sexualizing and grooming little kids. Compared to what we’ve seen over the past ten or so days, that’s the least of our problems with this extremist ideology.

GLAAD describes the “Trans Day of Visibility” as “a day to celebrate the lives and contributions of trans people.” President Joe Biden marked the day by declaring, “Transgender Americans shape our Nation’s soul.”

Look around; on top of four mass shootings and Whitworth’s alleged attempt at a mass shooting, we’re seeing the Trans Day of Visibility, and the days surrounding it, “celebrated” by transsexuals ganging up and assaulting real women guilty of nothing more than standing up for their right not to be ogled in the locker room by a naked man.

Have you noticed that the most “toxic males” in our society are the ones wearing dresses?

In this leftist Utopia, all a guy has to do to get away with harassing, menacing, bullying, and battering a woman is put on a dress.

A guy wearing a dress can hurl sexist slurs, assault, and terrify any woman he wants.

The silence coming from the White House, the Democrats, and the leaders of the trans movement is unquestionably consent and approval of this behavior if not outright endorsing it to silence and injure the political opposition.

The corporate media sure aren’t silent. The corporate media are openly sympathetic to the mass shooter, harassers, and batterers.

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