Friday, 27 August 2021




By Edward Era Barbacena

Police have issued an appeal and images to identify the three white men after a man was seriously assaulted in Hackney

On Sunday, 25 July, the victim, a 34-year-old man, had gone out for dinner and drinks in Shoreditch. Shortly after he left a venue on Brick Lane at approximately 03:30hrs, he was assaulted by three males and hit in the face with a metal object.

Due to the language used by the suspects, the incident is being treated as a racially motivated hate crime.

Detectives from the Central East CID team launched an investigation and reviewed CCTV to identify the three suspects.

Detective Constable Caelen Matthewson-Davies, said: “This was an unprovoked attack on an innocent victim who was enjoying a night out in Shoreditch. The streets of London should be a safe place for people when they are out and there is absolutely no place for the violence that we saw here. CCTV showed these men walking around the street trying to start fights with people.

“I thank the victim for his support throughout the investigation – during what must have been an awful time. The victim suffered severe facial injuries and has had reconstructive surgery. He is also seriously emotionally traumatised and has been having panic attacks.

“Luckily the entire attack is captured on CCTV and we are appealing for the public’s help to trace the men pictured. If you recognise them, witnessed the incident or have any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact police.

“We stand against all incidents of racism and urge anyone impacted by crimes of this nature to urgently call the police. The Met continues to work to make the streets of London a safe place for all and remains dedicated to putting violent offenders behind bars.”

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Llama antibodies may neutralize Covid-19 and help prevent complications

Llama antibodies may neutralize Covid-19 and help prevent complications

By Edward Era Barbacena

Brussels-lLlama antibodies could be a potent force to neutralize Covid variants and help reduce certain infections, claimed by biomedical company.

Researchers from the VIB-UGENT center for Medical Biotechnology in Ghent Belgium, have discovered that antibodies extracted from llama named Winter have somehow neutralized the Covid-19 virus and its variants in laboratory testing conducted.

The treatment would supplement vaccines by giving a considerable enhanced protection against the virus to individuals who have compromised immune systems or help those who have been infected by the virus with severe cases.

Llama antibodies in comparison to other antibodies of ther animals are unlikely small, and are able to bind to a speciefic part of the virus' spike protein blocking it from infecting other cells.

"Their small size..allows them to reach targets, reach parts of the virus that are difficult to access with conventional antibodies," VIB-UGENT leader Xaviet Saelens said.

Chief medical officer, Dominoque Tersago said the antibodies have been in lab studies to show "strong neutralization activity" against the highly contagious Delta variant, which has led to case surges across the globe.

Researchers launched clinical trials last week to study the antibodies with healthy volunteers and hospitalized patients and expect the study to have similar outcomes.

The develoment of the treatment comes after the studies conducted in 2016 that showed Llama antibodies were effective against SARS  and MERS coronaviruses.

Taliban demand that all foreign troops should be out of Afghanistan by August 31


Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid

Taliban demand that all foreign troops should be out of Afghanistan by August 31

By Edward Era Barbacena

Kabul - Taliban is now demanding that all foreign troops especially the Americans should be completely out of the country by August 31. In addition,  Afghans are now banned from entering the Kabul International Airporta to board evacuation flights.

The Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid reiterated in a press conference on Tuesday that only foreign troops will be allowed to have access to the Airport from now on as the United States and its allies bolster the evacuation.

" The road to Kabul Airport is close for locals but open to foreigners," he said

" We are not in favor of allowing Afghans to leave," he added 

Mujahid said that the Taliban will not provide extension beyond August 31 as deadline which was set by the U.S. President Joe Biden despite many Americans and Afghans are still grappling to flee the country.

" It was the American plan," he said  "They have the opportunity. They have all the resources. They can take all the people that belong to them." 

The taliban warn that they will take over the kabul Airport security, which the U.S. has currently control after the said deadline.

Mujahid also claim that they have no list of Afghans that they were targeting who helped the Americans during the war.

" We have forgotten everything in the past," he said.

It all comes as President Joe Biden weighed whether to extend the deadline to withdraw from Afghanistan amid the mismanaged evacuation.

President Biden who is set to discuss the situation in Afghanistan with G-7 leaders on tuesday, has repeatedly vowed that no one will be left behind, including the U.S. citizens and the tens of thousands Afghans who helped the Americans during the war.

The Taliban strong stance come after when President Biden announced the deadline of the evacuation of the American troops out of the country and they warned that there will be 'consequences' if the United States' troops would stay longer.

It follows reports CIA director William Burns held a secret meeting with the Taliban's de facto leader Abdul Ghani Baradar, in Afghanistan on Monday.

The Taliban spokesperson however did not deny that the meeting took place.

More than 17,000 U.S. citizens and Afghans have already been evacuated out of the country in 36 hours. White house official said on Monday - however, the deadly Taliban violence that has blocked many from entering the Kabul Airport still in effect.

Biden administration has repeatedly refuse to confirmed how many U.S citizens still remain in Afghanistan.

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Asian-American woman was punched by a brute in unprovoked hate crime in New York

The unidentified brute  who punched  the Asian  woman
and the NYPD lauched an investigation into the incident


Asian-American woman was punched by a brute in unprovoked hate crime in New York

By Edward Era Barbacena

New York - As we thought that occurences anti-Asian hate crimes have already stopped, another one just took place and again in New York city.

A 52 year old Asian woman was attacked in an unprovoked hate crime by an unidentified white man in First avenue and East 19th Street in Gramercy park in Manhattan on Sunday afternoon around 1:30 PM.

The victim was walking around with her two children when she was directly punched on the face by the unknown brute assailant.

The attacker who was believed to around 50s hit the woman on the left side of her face and yelled  "geto out of here, go back to your country!" 

After the assault, the man just suddenly ditched and as of now, the police are still searching for him. The woman suffered minor injury and was given medical treatment.

The NYPD task force particularly the department's hate crime launched an investigation into this matter. The suspect is still at large.

Florida mom urges the public to get vaccinated after losing two sons to Covid-19 in just 12 hours

Free Jaggi, Lisa Brandon and Aaron Jaggi

Florida mom urges the public to get vaccinated after losing two sons to Covid-19 in just 12 hours

By Edward Era Barbacena

A Florida mom is now mourning after losing her two beloved sons to covid-19 in just a span of 12 hours.  She is now urging the public not to ignore the threat of coronavirus and should get vaccinated before its too late.

Lisa Brandon of Jacksonville says she regrets not pushing her two sons Aaron Jaggi, 35 and Free Jaggi, 41, to get vaccinated before acquiring the Covid-19 and got infected then succumbed to the virus in the late July.

" I wish I could have made them do it. And now, its too late." Brandon told the media.

Brandon who was vaccinated only got mild case of infection.

But both of her sons were not so lucky as she was.

She took both of them to the hospital where they were admitted to the intensive care unite and were immediately placed on ventilators.

Her son Free died on August 12 and the younger brother Aaron, followed 12 hours after.

" I think they would be alive today if they would have gotten their shot,"  Brandon said

Brandon said she's speaking out of her painful experience to urge others to get their Jabs.

" Its a parent worst nightmare," Brandon said. "The only reason why I'm doinh this is to put the word out to please get vaccinated."

Monday, 23 August 2021

Shooting of Ashli Babbit during the January 6 insurrection was lawful, U.S. Capitol police say


Ashli Babbit (file photo)

Shooting of Ashli Babbit during the January 6 insurrection was lawful, U.S. Capitol police say

By Edward Era Barbacena

Washington - The U.S. Capitol police officer who shot Trump supporter and insurectionist Ashli Babbit will not face charges nor diciplinary actions, the department stated on Monday.

"USCP's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) determined the officer's conduct was lawful and considered as within Department policy, which says an officer may use a deadly force only when the officer reasonably believes that the action in the defense of human life including officer's ownlife, or in a defense of any person in immediate danger of serious physical injury."

- the department said in a statement.

The officer will not be named out of consideration for his safety, the department added.

The announcement comes roughly four months after the Department of Justice announced federal prosecutors will not seek charges against the Capitol police officer for the shooting of Babbit.

Babbit's fatal shooting happened when a crowd of angry Trump's mobsters tried to push a doorway that was barricaded by chairs on the other side and was guarded by the police. This doorway was the entrance of the speaker's lobby in the Capitol. The glass of the door was shattered by the Trump rioters in which resulted to have an opening large enough for someone to get into the otherside.  Babbit being too brave was seen climbing her way into the opening. Despite of the several warnings given by the officer who was pointing a gun at her, Babbit ignored and insisted to get in and the officer shot her.  Babbit was given a medical assistance and was rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead.

The Capitol police justified the officer's action on Monday stating that he "potentialy saved members and staff from serioys injuries and possible deaths from the large raging crowd of mostly white insurrectionists who forced their way in to the Capitol.

In April, the Department of Justice that it had cleared the officer and closed its investigation adding there was insufficient evidence to support prosecution.

" The investigation revealed no evidence to establish that, at the time the officer fired a single shot at Ms. Babbit, the officer did not reasonably believe that it was necessary to do so in self-defence or in defence of the Members of Congress and others evacuating the House of Chamber.'

 - the Department said in a statement

The death of Ashli Babbit caused people to raise their opinions which led to a heated debate on different social media platforms.  Some insisted that the officer who shot must be arrested and should face charges but more said that Babbit deserves to be shot.

Vladimir Putin will not accept Afghan refugees into Russia as asylum seekers


Vladimir Putin will not accept Afghan refugees into Russia as asylum seekers

By Edward Era Barbacena

Moscow - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday that he will not allow any Afghan refugees to enter his domain because he refuses to deal with "extremists" pretending as asylum seakers.

The Russian strongman leader denounced the leaders of the Western nations especialy the United States for placing Afghan refugees in different countries near the Russian borders while their U.S. and European borders are still being processed.

" Does that mean they can be sent without visas to those countries, to our neighbors, while thet themselves don't want to take them without visas?" Putin told the local media in rage.  " Why is there such a humiliating approach to solving the problem?"

He said he will not be accepting militants showing up here as undercover refugees.

The United States after withdrawing its troops had negociated with other countries to accomodate Afghan refugees who are escaping the terror as the Taliban encroaches the whole country.

Russian officials decline to participate in the struggle to evacuate thousands of desperate Afghans at the Kabul International Airport seeking to flee the country and escape from the Taliban.

Rather, Kremlin on the other hand complimented the Taliban for 'restoring order' in Afghanistan.

Trump booed at Alabama rally after telling supporters to get vaccinated


Trump booed at Alabama rally after telling supporters to get vaccinated

By Edward Era Barbacena

Former U.S. President Trump was booed at a rally on Saturday in Alabama after telling his supporters to get vaccinated 

" And you know what? I believe totally in your freedom. I do. You've got to do what you've got to do," Trump said. "But I recommend take the vaccines. I did it.  Its good. Take the vaccines." He added.

After his statement telling his supporters to get vaccinated, there were boos that echoed in the air from a very huge crowd who were apparently maskless.

"No, that's OK. That's alright. You got your freedoms," Trump rebutted echoing loftiness from opponents of masks and vaccination protocols. But I happened to take the vaccine. If it doesn't work, you'll be the first to know. OK? I'll call up Alabama, I'll say, hey, you know what? But the vaccine is working. But you do have your freedoms that you have to keep. You have to maintain that."

United States has a continuing rise of Delta variant cases and most of the hospitals are filled with patients infected with covid variants that are mostly unvaccinated. Other Americans blame unvaccinated ones  for that reason because they couldn't be accomodated by hospitals even in emergency cases or even worse is the life thretening condition such as endstage cancers. Even if they are admitted, they will be forced to he sent home after few days even not completing the treatment regimen because hospitals are just too overwhelmed with covid-19 patients that were not vaccinated.

Alabama is one of the States that has the lowest vaccination rate in the U.S. with only 36 percent of its total population ( not even half of it ) that are fully vaccinated. According to NBC news correspondent, Republican governor of Alabama said that its the 'unvaccinated folks are to be blame for the resurgence of the covid cases in the state.

Across the United States, the troucing majority of covid hospitalizations and fatalities are among the unvaccinated Americans and the majority of these people are whites.

Trump has encouraged vaccination previously but he often matched it with the same insane admonition.  It was like encouraging it but at the same time, denouncing it using a somewhat rethoric and bizarre presumptions. Just last week, after he promoted the vaccine in an interview with Fox correspondent Maria Bartiromo, Trump claimed that the coming booster shots were recommended by the Biden's administration as  "a money making operation for Pfizer."

Pfizer which he lambasted previously wasn't a part of his administration's Operation Warp Speed, the public-private partnership to accelalerate vaccine development. Well, his so-called 'Operation Warp Speed wasn't speedy enough that Russia came first to develop a potent and effective vaccine - the Vladimir Putin's 'Sputnik V' which was proven very effective against Delta variant and the original covid strain as claimed by some researchers in South America. Trump didn't mention that Moderna, which was a part of its program.

Florida woman arrested after throwing a cat into the river after arguing with former lover

Florida woman arrested after throwing a cat into the river after arguing with former lover

By Edward Era Barbacena

A Florida white woman was arrested after allegedly throwing a caged cat into the river after having a nonsensical arguement with a former boyfriend

Christa Thistle, a 53 year-old resident of Oak Hill, Florida, was accussed of tossing a cat which was in the crate into a water way at Riverwood river campground on thursday, as a form of her displacement on the poor animal after engaging into a heated arguement with her estranged lover for not moving out of their recreational vehicke quickly enough.

Deputies said they were called out to the Riverwood Park Campground on H.H. Burch road near the South Ridgewood avenue shortly before 7 PM. Thistle was moving some of the stuffs of her former boyfriend.  While moving some belongings, she knocked over some food and picked up the pet crate with Stanley (the cat) and threw it into the river.

Her former lover all of a sudden jumped into the water and rescued Stanley who was submerged into the water for abour 20 seconds.

When the police arrived, the poor cat was soaking wet shivering but appeared to be in good condition.

Thistle was arrested and indicted of animal cruelty.


Sunday, 22 August 2021

Three promising hockey players died in a car crash in Canada

Three promising hockey players died in a car crash in Canada

By Edward Era Barbacena

Three promising hockey players died when the car that they driving crashed into a tree in Canada in the early Saturday morning. 

The three were declared dead at the scene after a grusome wreck that took place around 2:45 AM in Surrey, British Columbia.

Caleb Raimer, Ronin Sharma and Parker Magnuson

The three were identified as 16 year-old Caleb Reimer, 16 year-old Ronin Sharma and 17 year old Parker Magnuson.  The three have played for the elite Delta Hockey Academy.

The cause of the accident which led to the deaths of the teenagers was not clear and there was only one witness.

Sharma was an imcoming rookey for the Langley Rivermen, who compete in the BC hockey league.

The NHL lamented the tragic deaths of the three promising players in a statement posted on Twitter on Sunday.

" The NHL sends its love and deepest condolences to the families of junior hockey players Caleb Reimer, Ronin Sharma, and Parker Magnuson who tragically passed away in a car accidents on Saturday.  Rest in peace boy." 

The league said.

Several friends placed flowers on the spot as a memorial where accident took place in Surrey that took the lives of the three promising hockey players. Family members, friends, teammates, and opponents have stopped by to pay respect to the three.



Three juveniles died on the spot after a train ran over them in the Philippines


Three juveniles died on the spot after a train ran over them in the Philippines

By Edward Era Barbacena

Manila - Three teenagers aged 16 to 17 years old died instantly after a train of the Philippine National Railways ran over then in the early evening of Sunday in Sta. Mesa, Manila. 

According to a Barangay patroler, the three were wandering betweed the train tracks around 6:00 the evening.  That is the last time that they were seen alive.

As the train approaches, one of the security guards called the attentions of the three kids to warn them but he was not heard because the horn of the train was too loud.

The train was approaching from a curve lane, so the three kids didn't know where it was coming.

The three victims were residents of Sta. Mesa who went out to see some of their mates to play basketball.

The three suffered from tromendous  injuries and they died all of a sudden and there was no way that they could have survived such horrendous accident. Their bodies were just so severed.

According to a witness, the three seemed to be going to a safe location or spot when they heard they heard the approaching train, then all of a sudden ,  out of confusion, they all jumped to the rail track where the train was heading. Apparently, they were all clueless as to where the train was coming from.

Up to now, the authorities have not identified the three minors who died in the incidents and they are now coordinating with the operator of Philippine National Railways for further investigation.

Friday, 20 August 2021

Asian-American nurse in Queens shares the tale of horrifying attack from the hands of American couple


Potri Ranka Manis sports a bruise following the Aug. 10th attack

Asian-American nurse in Queens shares the tale of horrifying attack from the hands of American couple

When act of kindness gets hatred in return from cold hearted ones

By Edward Era Barbacena

Potri Ranka Manis stood at Diversity Plaza in Jackson Heights on Tuesday evening surrounded by community members. Dressed in scrubs and a pair of sunglasses hiding a bruise, the Filipina registered nurse recounted her tragic story of an encounter with a hateful couple.

Manis has been doing her part to help stop the spread of COVID-19 through small action, such as distributing face masks on the subway system. While doing so on Aug. 10, as she rode home on the E train at 42 Street and 8th Avenue in Manhattan, she was assaulted after offering a face covering to an unmasked couple with a child.

"The person that I gave the mask to, took the mask from me, threw it away and said, ‘Mind your own business, Chink! Go back to your dirty country.’ That is so sad, pathetic, and a very bad sign on what is going on in our society,” Manis said.

Manis was visibly hurt, not just physically but emotionally, that an act of kindness transformed into an act of hatred. Yet she is no stranger to combatting anti-Asian violence; she has previously spoken at rallies denouncing such vile actions.

“I stand here not for myself, but for those who’ve been assaulted,” Manis explained. “Anti-Asian sentiment has become a parallel virus to COVID-19. It is the virus that divides us people of color. We cannot allow this to continue. The attack that I had undergone in the subway is more than just a personal attack. It’s actually an attack on public health.” 

With the support of the National Alliance for Filipino Concerns (NAFCON), who aided in organizing the speak out, along with neighbors and concerned citizens who arrived to encourage Manis to recount the biased abuse, the frontline worker hopes her story can highlight the unfortunate truth about anti-Asian violence in New York.

She also hopes it will inspire other victims who have yet to come forward with their experiences to do so.

“Nearly a third of the nurses who’ve died of coronavirus in the U.S. are Filipino, even though Filipino nurses make up just 4% of the nursing population nationwide. They are the essential worker at the frontline of the battle against the pandemic, who face the immediate brunt of COVID-19 and are at risk of encountering anti-Asian violence,” said May Madarang from the NAFCON.

Still those listening are demanding further actions be taken to prevent attacks like these from occurring as media coverage wanes.

Outraged, longtime friend and New York State Nurses Association Director of Cultural Affairs Minerva Solla fumed over the incident, and called for vulnerable AAPI community protections. Solla described Manis’ dedication to showcasing her culture through events such as the Red Carpet for Social Justice, and her efforts to empower others to stand up for their rights. 

“We can’t believe this,” Solla said in audible shock and anger. “This sister gives everything she has whenever she is with people. I say to whoever touched Potri, you treat people as you want to be treated. You put your hands on somebody because you don’t like that person’s look, the color or the orientation? We are all upset, we have to do more. That person hates, and they need help because human beings don’t go attacking other human beings just for the f***ing hell of it.”

Assembly Member Jessica González-Rojas embraced Manis and called for greater community education and programs in hopes of ending the seemingly endless onslaught of biased anti-Asian hate crimes.

“I want to share my sincere sadness and anger. There is no place for hate in Queens. There is no place for hate in New York City. There is no place for hate in New York State. Nobody deserves this treatment, but it is particularly egregious when someone, a nurse, who is a frontline worker, who is handing out masks is attacked for what she looks like and who she is,” González-Rojas said.

Also attending the event were representatives from Queens Borough President Donovan Richards, New York City Council Member Daniel Dromm, and the Mayor’s office, who all helped distribute face masks, hand sanitizer, and gloves to those in attendance in Manis’ honor.

Taliban seizing Afghan-American’s US passports outside Kabul airport


Hundreds of people gather near a US Air Force C-17
 transport plane along the perimeter at the
 international airport in Kabul, Afghanistan on Aug. 16, 2021.

Taliban seizing Afghan-American’s US passports outside Kabul airport

By Edward Era Barbacena

KABUL, Afghanistan — Scenes of chaos and calamity continue to unfold in and around Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, as thousands of embattled Afghans purport to push through Taliban barricades and escape the country before the Taliban takes full power.

In the latest blow to those running up against the clock, Afghan-Americans on Thursday said that Taliban fighters are now attempting to take their U.S. passports and identification orders in an attempt to stop them from leaving the country.

“I got to the gates and was about to show my passport, but the Taliban got it, and he said you are not allowed to go through and wouldn’t give it back,” one Afghan-American, who served for several years as an interpreter during the war and has his home in the U.S but requested anonymity for safety reasons, said. “I was lucky a U.S. marine was right there and forced him to give it back.”

According to several others, some have not been so lucky — hamstringing their chance to make it home ahead of the Taliban’s officially assuming of the throne.

Afghan-Americans said Taliban fighters are
 now attempting to take their U.S. passports and
 identification to stop them from leaving thecountry.

“U.S. passports, driver’s licenses — they are confiscating those pieces of documentation from American citizens,” said Ephraim Mattos, a former Navy SEAL and founder of the humanitarian organization, Stronghold Rescue and Relief, which is working around the clock to evacuate Afghans interpreters and helpers. “They lose proof of who they are, and this has happened on multiple occasions in multiple places.”

President Joe Biden on Friday said they “know of no circumstance where American citizens are carrying an American passport” and not able to reach the airport.

“U.S. passports, driver’s licenses — they are confiscating those pieces of documentation from American citizens,” said Ephraim Mattos, a former Navy SEAL and founder of the humanitarian organization, Stronghold Rescue and Relief, which is working around the clock to evacuate Afghans interpreters and helpers. “They lose proof of who they are, and this has happened on multiple occasions in multiple places.”

President Joe Biden on Friday said they “know of no circumstance where American citizens are carrying an American passport” and not able to reach the airport.

Initially, Afghan Special Forces were said to control some of the key roads toward the airport. But soon after darkness fell on Wednesday, the Taliban is said to have taken over. Minute-by-minute, the scene is simply becoming direr as the insurgency cements a more formidable grasp over the city’s checkpoints and routes.

Several U.S. officials also affirmed that the Taliban on Thursday ratcheted up its crackdown encircling the airport.

The group’s leadership has vowed to protect all Afghans and assured no acts of revenge would be tolerated, while at the same time stressing that citizens of the beleaguered country should not leave.

Meanwhile, in Herat, more than a week after the Taliban seized the provincial capital, residents have continued to paint a chilling portrait of intimidation as the waiting game for the U.S. departure draws near.

“Taliban are searching home by home in Herat and asking about me,” one business owner with long-term ties to the United States, who is currently in an undisclosed location outside of Afghanistan, said. “Then others came to the Kabul office and asked about the company and our clients and warned they would search for information.”

It is a jarring fact of simply not knowing what lies ahead, driving much of the desperation forward.“These people are our allies; we fought shoulder-to-shoulder with them. I saw them fight just as bravely as any American soldier, and they deserve our support. What our country is doing to them now is a complete disgrace,” Mattos added. “What is happening is significantly worse than Saigon.”

Racist woman who is already charged with hate crime against Asian neighbor tried to run over her victim's husband


Racist sociopath Jan Myers continues to harrass 
Thi Pham and her husband William Healy while still
out on a bail and awating trial.

Racist woman who is already charged with hate crime against Asian neighbor tried to run over her victim's husband while awaiting trial

While the racist sociopath Jan Meyers is out on bail, she continues to harass  Thi Pham and her husband William Healy

By Edward Era Barbacena

On Thursday, The Daily Beast reported that Jan Myers, a Washington state white woman is already facing hate crime charges against her Vietnamese neighbor, tried to run down her victim's husband in her car while awaiting trial.

Myers was charged with a hate crime for slurs against Pham . She was credibly accused of violating a no-contact order. She was sued.

Then, last night, cops say, she attacked the woman's husband with her car.

"According to an arrest report, obtained by The Daily Beast, at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Myers 'screamed and yelled' at Thi Pham and her husband William Healy from her home next door to theirs in Shoreline, Washington," reported Andrew Boryga. "She then got in her car and approached Healy, according to the report, driving her car straight at him, and causing him to fear being hit."

Healy managed to get out of the way, however, and retreated safely into his house.

According to the report, Myers — who was initially arrested for allegedly harrassing Pham with racial slurs and warning her "You're not gonna live very long" — was under a no-contact order against her. She is reportedly still incarcerated and being held on $10,000 bail, and police have filed suit against her for the no-contact violation.

Hate crimes against Asian-Americans have spiked in the last year, driven in large part by the mistaken idea that they are personally responsible for bringing COVID-19 into the United States. Amid this rise in cases, many of which have received national coverage, Congress passed a bill earlier this year beefing up hate-crime enforcement for these kinds of attacks.

As for Myers, she poses a threat as long as she is not placed behind bars. It is clearly understood that she is suffering from psychological disorder and her strong grudge against the people of color will drive her insane and will continue to harass Pham and Healy because it pleases her no matter how many times she have been indicted.

Horrifying video reportedly shows Afghan police chief executed by Taliban


Commander Haji Mullah Achakzai, ex-police chief of
 Bala Murghab district of Badghis province,
 was executed by the Taliban in Herat

Horrifying video reportedly shows Afghan police chief executed by Taliban

The video circulated online appears to show General Haji Mullah Achakzai handcuffed while two men in the background have a discussion

By Edward Era Barbacena

Kabul - Disturbing footage has emerged of an Afghan police chief being executed by the Taliban — after he surrendered to the militants, according to reports.

Former BBC journalist Nasrin Nawa posted the gruesome video which appears to show Haji Mullah Achakzai, head of the police in Badghis province near Herat.

The man is seen in the clip blindfolded and kneeling before several bullets ring out and his lifeless body flops onto the ground.

“This is their public amnesty,” Nawa wrote, referring to the Taliban’s declaration this week amid the insurgents’ attempts to present a moderate face after sweeping to power.

The police chief was reportedly arrested by the Taliban during their blitz across the country on the way to the capital of Kabul, where they toppled the government on Sunday.

The group shared the distressing clip through a Taliban-related network, Afghan security adviser Nasser Waziri told Newsweek, adding that the footage was verified by other police officers and government officials.

The Taliban had been on the lookout for Achakzai after he fought the extremists alongside the Afghan government, according to the magazine.

“He was surrounded by the Taliban and had no choice but to surrender last night,” Waziri, who also posted the clip, told Newsweek. “The Taliban targeted Achakzai because he was a high-ranking intelligence official.”

Waziri said that he and other senior advisers have set up a private group chat online of dozens of Afghan officials who used to work with the civil government to check on the whereabouts of each person and make sure they are safe.

One of Waziri’s friends, a district governor, has been hiding in Kabul as the Taliban recently visited some of his relatives in Nurstin province, Newsweek reported.

“They [the Taliban] took the family out of their house and hit them so that they could give information on which city he can be,” Waziri told the outlet.

The Taliban have claimed that there would be no acts of vengeance or reprisal against former enemies after their takeover of the war-torn country.

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Racist Iowa woman who tried to run over 2 kids sentenced to 25 years in prison


FILE This is undated file photo provided by the
Polk County, Iowa, Jail shows Nicole Poole Franklin, 
who said she drove her SUV into two
children in 2019 to try to kill

Racist Iowa woman who tried to run over 2 kids sentenced to 25 years in prison

By Edward Era Barbacena

A white Iowa woman who attacked two children, a 12-year-old Black boy and a 14-year-old Latina girl, with her car in 2019 was sentenced Thursday to 25 years in federal prison.

Nicole Poole Franklin, 43, had pleaded guilty to both federal hate crime charges and state attempted murder charges.

On Dec. 9, 2019, the 12-year-old boy was walking with his older sibling when Franklin hopped the curb in her car and tried to run him over. The boy suffered minor injuries.

This is undated file photo provided by the Polk County, Iowa, Jail shows Nicole Poole Franklin. (Polk County Jail via AP, File)

Franklin said she thought the child was an ISIS terrorist out to get her.

Less than an hour later, Franklin launched another attack, this time on the 14-year-old girl, who was walking to a basketball game. The girl suffered serious injuries, including a concussion, according to police.

Franklin said she thought the girl was a Mexican who “wasn’t supposed to be in the country,” and was taking “our homes, our jobs.”

Police said Franklin fled both scenes and went to a convenience store, where she launched into a racist tirade against two Black men. She was not charged with a crime for the tirade.

“Holding Poole Franklin accountable, not only for her intentional actions, but for the malicious beliefs behind them, is what our justice system should be, and a must to provide just punishment, afford adequate deterrence, and protect the public from further crimes by this defendant,” prosecutors wrote.

Poole Franklin's public defender asked Rose for nothing longer than a 27-year term. He argued in a filing that she was suffering from “severe pre-existing mental illnesses that were exacerbated by methamphetamine use, numerous extremely difficult life events hitting at nearly the same time, and with some of the worst aspects of the culture acting behind the scenes and further poisoning her mental state.

Before the hate crimes, Poole Franklin had received a series of breaks from the legal system, including after she allegedly stabbed a boyfriend in the chest in 2017 and threatened another with a butcher's knife months later.

Franklin admitted to both attacks and was sentenced in May on the state charges, getting at least 17½ years in prison, the Associated Press reported.. She’ll serve her 25-year federal sentence concurrently, and she will not be eligible for parole.

Alabama doctor refuses to treat unvaccinated patients


Dr. Jason Valentine with a sign warning patients that won't see them
 if they have been vaccinated for COVID-19 at his Mobile, Alabama office.

Alabama doctor refuses to treat unvaccinated patients

By Edward Era Barbacena

A doctor in the state with the country’s lowest COVID-19 vaccination rate said he will soon refuse to treat anyone who is not inoculated against the deadly virus, explaining on Facebook, “COVID is a miserable way to die and I can’t watch them die like that.”

Dr. Jason Valentine, who works in Mobile, Alabama, posted a photo of himself on Facebook next to a sign that read, “effective Oct. 1, 2021, Dr. Valentine will no longer see patients that are not vaccinated against COVID-19,” according to

The photo was subsequently deleted from Facebook, and a receptionist at Mobile’s Diagnostic and Medical Clinic Infirmary Health abruptly hung up when The Post called to interview Valentine about the message.

Before the post was deleted, Valentine said that it prompted three unvaccinated patients to inquire about getting a jab, according to the outlet.

“No conspiracy theories, no excuses. Just where do they go?” the doctor reportedly wrote.

Only 36 percent of Alabama’s population is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, far less than the national average of 52 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

Valentine reportedly explained his decision in a letter to patients.

“We do not yet have any great treatments for severe disease, but we do have great prevention with vaccines. Unfortunately, many have declined to take the vaccine, and some end up severely ill or dead. I cannot and will not force anyone to take the vaccine, but I also cannot continue to watch my patients suffer and die from an eminently preventable disease,” the letter said, according to the outlet.

Under the Civil Rights Act, doctors can’t deny treatment based on a patient’s age, sex, race, sexual orientation, religion, or national origin, but its unclear if a doctor can refuse to treat a patient over vaccination status.

According to the American Medical Association’s Code of Medical Ethics, physicians are obliged to treat emergencies, but otherwise they are “not ethically required to accept all prospective patients … in certain limited circumstances.”

“In absence of a medical emergency, these limited circumstances include a situation when a patient may pose a threat to the health and wellbeing of the physician, staff, or other patients,” a medical source told The Post.

On Tuesday, the entire state of Alabama was out of reportedly ICU beds amid the ratcheting Delta variant crisis.

On Tuesday, there were 1,568 patients who needed ICU beds but only 1,557 ICU beds are available for the entire state, Don Williamson, president of the Alabama Hospital Association, told WFSA.

“This could have been prevented had we gotten vaccination numbers to higher levels.”

A 7-day average of 3,728 new cases in Alabama approached the state’s worst days of the pandemic in the early winter, when that number was just over 4,000, government statistics show.

North Carolina man surrenders after Capitol Hill bomb threat that forced evacuation of surrounding area

That threat by Floyd Ray Roseberry led to the evacuation
of the library,the Supreme Court, a House office building
 and the offices of the Republican National Committee

North Carolina man surrenders after Capitol Hill bomb threat that forced evacuation of surrounding area

Another domestic terrorism perpetuated by a white man because he comes to his senses 

By Edward Era Barbacena

A North Carolina man surrendered Thursday afternoon to police, hours after telling them he had a bomb in his truck parked outside the Library of Congress on Capitol Hill.

That threat by the suspect, Floyd Ray Roseberry, led to the evacuation of the library, the Supreme Court, the Cannon House Office Building and the offices of the Republican National Committee.

It also sparked a massive police response to an area that seven months earlier saw the Capitol complex violently invaded by supporters of then-President Donald Trump.

"He got out of the vehicle and surrendered, and the tactical units that were close by took him into custody without incident," U.S. Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger said of the 49-year-old Roseberry.

"He gave up and did not resist," Manger said. "As far as we could tell it was just his decision to surrender at that point."

A person is apprehended after being in a pickup truck parked
 on the sidewalk in front of the Library of Congress' Thomas
 Jefferson Building, as seen from a window of the U.S. Capitol,
Thursday, Aug. 19, 2021, in Washington.

Manger said there was a propane gas container in his black pickup truck.

But, the chief added, "At this point we think that's safe."

Manger also said, "Right now we have no indication that he was acting with anyone else, but that is part of the ongoing investigation."

A bomb was not found after a search of Roseberry's vehicle but possible bomb making materials were secured from his truck, according to a statement from U.S. Capitol Police.

Roseberry, who most recently lived in Grover, North Carolina, posted several videos on Facebook from his truck in the hours before he surrendered, directly addressed remarks to President Joe Biden, whose resignation he demanded. He also called for U.S. airstrikes on the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Roseberry claimed on the video that he had a 7-pound keg of gunpowder and 2.5 pounds of the explosive tannerite in the truck, and suggested there were four other bombs in the D.C. area.

He also said his wife has cancer and that health insurance would not cover some treatment for her.

"I promised my wife I'd be home Sunday, whichever home it is. I've cleared my conscience with God," Roseberry said.

The White House received updates from law enforcement during the standoff.

Trump slams Twitter for allowing Taliban but banning him as president


Trump slams Twitter for allowing Taliban but banning him as president

By Edward Era Barbacena

Former President Donald Trump slammed Twitter for allowing the Taliban to use the social media platform to provide updates on their conquest of Afghanistan — as they stand by their decision to ban him from the site.

“It’s disgraceful when you think that you have killers and muggers and dictators and horrible — some horrible dictators and countries, and they’re all on but the president of the United States, who had hundreds of millions of people, by the way, he gets taken off,” Trump told Newsmax Wednesday in a phone interview.

While Trump has remained banned from the platform since the Jan. 6 Capitol riots, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid has been allowed to post updates freely on the platform.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid has racked up more than 326,000 followers on Twitter.

Mujahid’s unverified account, which was used to provide updates on the Taliban’s capture of Afghan cities as they aggressively took control of the country in days, has racked up more than 326,000 followers.

Another Taliban spokesman, Qari Yousaf Ahmadi, has more than 66,000 followers.

Twitter issued a blanket statement to questions about the radical Islamic militant group’s presence on the platform, however, the company did not respond directly to the former president’s criticism.

“The situation in Afghanistan is rapidly evolving,” the statement reads. “We’re also witnessing people in the country using Twitter to seek help and assistance. Twitter’s top priority is keeping people safe, and we remain vigilant. 

“We will continue to proactively enforce our rules and review content that may violate Twitter Rules, specifically policies against glorification of violence, platform manipulation and spam.”

In contrast, Twitter announced it was banning Trump on Jan. 8, while he was still president and his account had more than 80 million followers.

The company said at the time that it had to ban Trump “due to the risk of further incitement of violence” in the fallout of the Capitol insurrection, which largely involved his supporters. The riots left five dead.

“Plans for future armed protests have already begun proliferating on and off-Twitter, including a proposed secondary attack on the US Capitol and state capitol buildings on January 17, 2021,” Twitter said at the time.

Last month, Trump sued Twitter, Facebook and YouTube for shuttering his accounts, as well as taking similar actions against other conservatives, in what he called the “illegal and shameful censorship of the American people.”

The class-action filings seek unspecified damages for alleged First Amendment violations that Trump said could total “trillions” of dollars.

In the case of the Taliban, Twitter’s official rules appear to clash with conduct that’s historically been associated with the militant group, but the Taliban’s spokespeople appear to be keeping it clean on Twitter so far.

The Taliban has been known to use extreme violence, especially against women, academics and anyone who opposes the group’s fundamentalist interpretation of Islam

It also has reportedly encouraged the marriage of its soldiers to children, which would violate Twitter’s policy against “child sexual exploitation.”

Other social media companies, including Facebook and TikTok, have been more proactive in limiting the reach of the Taliban.

Facebook, which has also suspended Trump until 2023 at the earliest, has a team monitoring and removing posts, images, videos and other content related to the Taliban.

“The Taliban is sanctioned as a terrorist organization under U.S. law and we have banned them from our services under our Dangerous Organization policies,” a spokesperson told CNBC.

The Taliban has been banned from Facebook for several years, the spokesperson said.

TikTok also told CNBC that it has designated the Taliban a terrorist group and that it will remove content that praises or supports them.

Alphabet-owned YouTube told Vox that it’s also recognized the Taliban as a terrorist group and takes down any content believed to be posted by them.

“[I]f we find an account believed to be owned and operated by the Afghan Taliban, we terminate it. Further, our policies prohibit content that incites violence,” a YouTube spokesperson reportedly said in a statement.

Taliban kill at least 3 protesters who tried to remove regime’s flag


Taliban kill at least 3 protesters who tried to remove regime’s flag

Even the inocent juveniles are not spared

By Edward Era Barbacena

Taliban fighters killed at least three people Wednesday as they fired at protesters who tried to replace the Islamist regime’s flag with the national one of Afghanistan, according to reports.

In what is believed to be one of the first protests since the ousted group took back control of the country Sunday, “hundreds if not thousands” of locals took to the streets of Jalalabad on Wednesday, Al Jazeera said.

A man carries a bloodied child, as a woman lays
wounded on the street after Taliban fighters use
guns fire, whips, sticks and sharp objects to
maintain crowd control over thousands of Afghans
 who continue to wait outside the Kabul Airport

Many were seen waving the red, black and green national flag — with some climbing a flag pole in the city’s central square to take down the Taliban’s white flag in a stunning expression of defiance.

But Taliban enforcers started firing in the air — with some shots aimed at the crowds, according to footage on social media and local reports.

Others also attacked the crowds with batons while a military-style vehicle was seen racing dangerously through the crowds.

“Nobody is going to harm you, nobody is going to knock on your doors,” he had said, offering an amnesty for anyone who had earlier worked with the US in helping to overthrow the group.

Mujahid even claimed that women would be allowed to work and study and “will be very active in society but within the framework of Islam,” a stark contrast to the previous oppression, despite remaining vague.

Even since then, however, the Taliban have been seen randomly attacking people — leaving women and children bloodied — and even blamed for shooting dead a woman who refused to wear a burqa.

Alleged criminals have also been seen paraded through the streets with blackened faces and nooses around their necks, seemingly in a return to the draconian punishments that included public executions and mutilations.

Pro-Trump Miami Police Officer Placed on Leave, Under Investigation Over Photo Showing Him Flashing 'White Supremacy Sign'


Officer Daniel Ubeda at a polling station in Miami in October 2020 (left) and posing with his colleagues following a big gun bust on Friday.

Pro-Trump Miami Police Officer Placed on Leave, Under Investigation Over Photo Showing Him Flashing 'White Supremacy Sign'

The same officer was accused of voter intimidation in October after he wore a face mask that read "Trump 2020 No More Bulls*it" to a polling station. 

By Edward Era Barbacena

A Miami police officer has been placed on leave and is under investigation after a photo of him appearing to flash the "white power" sign started circulating on social media.

The photo in question showed seven Miami police officers and was captured on Friday after they made a big gun bust. The commander posted the image on Twitter.

Police Union Says Ubeda was Holding Up Six Fingers to Refer to Colleagues

"This was meant to be private between him and his six guys," said President of the Miami Fraternal Order of Police Tommy Reyes. "It was not supposed to be posted on Twitter."

The photo shared by the commander on social media.

Reyes told Local 10 News Officer Ubeda made the hand gesture referring to "six" of his colleagues on his shift and not white power. Reyes added that he talked to Officer Ubeda and he said they discussed different hand signs and he believes the one seen in the photo is different than the one associated with white supremacy.

Reyes also said that both Ubeda's supervisor and the commander who tweeted the photo are Black, and that they never raised any issues with the hand gesture.

Florida racist teacher got suspended after her unprovoked racist rant targeting children caught on video


Florida racist teacher got suspended after her unprovoked racist rant targeting children caught on video

More and more white sociopath are coming out triggered by skin color and even teachers are becoming uneducated

By Edward Era Barbacena

The teacher, who reportedly has been terrorizing her neighborhood as she guards the walking path in Naples, has been identified as Patricia Schmidt, who works as an Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Specialist at Lely Elementary School, according to the local NBC affiliate.

According to the Florida Department of Education, the Exceptional Student Education bureau administers programs for students with disabilities, and works to strengthen programs for those with special needs.

The station reports it notified the mother who recorded Schmidt's racist rant on Sunday that she works for Collier County Public Schools.

"Who knows how she's treating them in the classroom when their parents aren't there to defend them?" the mother reportedly responded.

Schmidt, who was driving a Mercedes-Benz at the time, called the mother "white trash" and referred to her children as "mulattos" and "half-breeds."

Neighbors say Schmidt has exhibited similar behavior for years. They refer to her as "Kings Lake Karen" due to her self-appointed role as guardian of the walking path, which reportedly is intended only for residents of Naples' Kings Lake neighborhood.

Restless racist neighbor charged with hate crime accused of repeating felony


Jan Myers, a sociopath racist woman who wouldn't
her neighbor alone though she was already warned

Restless racist neighbor charged with hate crime accused of repeating felony

Jan Myers a typical sociopath white woman wouldn't leave her neighbor alone though she was already warned

By Edward Era Barbacena

In 2017, Thi Pham, a 33-year-old Vietnamese woman, moved to Shoreline, Washington, to live with her husband, William Healy. To hear the couple tell it, virtually from the moment Pham arrived, she was under verbal attack from a racist next-door neighbor, Jan Myers.

According to Healy and Pham, Myers, 72, began unleashing slurs, calling her “Miss Vietnam” and “Miss Saigon” and alleging that she was a mail-order bride.

American- Asian Thi Pham speaks about the unprovoked 
harrassment from her sociopath racist white neighbor

Myers, meanwhile, said she really only had a problem with Pham and Healy’s cat—which she said kept shitting on her lawn—and that the family was secretly taking pictures and videos of her. At least one video, shared with The Daily Beast, captured Myers walking around naked from the waist down on her front porch in view of Pham’s 2-year-old son.

This April, the years-long saga finally bubbled to the surface after Pham called police alleging Myers threatened her while she was gardening in her front yard, according to a King County Sheriff’s Office police report obtained by The Daily Beast. Despite steadfast denials that she made racist comments or issued threats, Myers was arrested and charged with a felony hate crime.

As part of the charge, she was ordered to stay away from Pham and her family and refrain from harassing her, according to the King County Sheriff’s Office. But now the couple have filed a lawsuit alleging she violated that order, and their attorney, Jeffrey Campiche, told The Daily Beast that Myers has continued to “harass” and “stalk” the family since her arrest.

In other words, the family says, the cops getting involved wasn’t enough to stop a racist campaign of fear.

She Called Racism on Fellow Cops—and Made a Ton of Enemies

The saga first became a criminal matter on April 5, according to the police report and videos Pham took with her phone, when Myers sat in her car and leered at Pham, moving the car back and forth on the road. At one point, Myers is seen rolling down her window and yelling, “Come on out you slant eye.” She then tells Pham, “I called the cops on you, you little slant eye.” Myers later returns to her own driveway, before eeking back onto the road again. She rolls down the window and yells, “You’re not gonna live very long,” before driving away.

Myers did not respond to a request for comment for this story. When reached for comment, James Johanson, an attorney representing Myers in her criminal case, said she has been following all court orders and has left Pham and her family alone, despite the recent allegations.

“If that were true,” he said of the latest claims, “my client would be arrested and charged with numerous violations of a no-contact order or an anti-harassment order—which hasn’t happened.”

Johanson also pushed back on the suggestion that Myers has any particular animus against Asians or minorities. He said that other neighbors have complained about her conduct in the past, and they were white.

“They also were treated poorly, allegedly, by my client,” he said. “She appears to not favor anybody.

“She probably has some issues with everybody, not just minorities.”

According to the police report from the initial April incident, Myers said she told Pham to move out the way because she didn’t want her to get hurt while she was pulling into her driveway. "She doesn’t even speak English so she probably doesn’t know what I said,” Myers told police, according to the report. She then alleged that Healy had “just bought” Pham “like a month ago."

“He just went over to Vietnam and bought her,” she said, according to the report.

Cops didn’t buy it, booking Myers and charging her with the hate crime.

Nonetheless, the King County Sheriff’s Office confirmed to The Daily Beast that on May 23, Myers appeared to violate the order barring her from contact with her neighbors. Tim Meyer, spokesman for the King’s County Sheriff’s Office, told The Daily Beast that deputies were called to a local park by Healy, alleging Myers followed him and his son there.

In the lawsuit Healy and Pham filed against Myers this week, they allege Myers “stalked” Healy and his son, drove within 30 feet of them, parked, and watched them—violating her court order to stay away from the family.

Campiche went so far as to blame local authorities, including the King County Sheriff’s Office and the King County Prosecuting Attorney, for taking a laissez-faire attitude toward enforcing the court order in Myers and Pham’s case. “We feel that Ms. Myers is empowered to continue to harass Thi Pham, her child, and her husband,” he said at a Tuesday press conference.

Although the King County Sheriff’s Office did not initially recommend charges for the May 23 incident at the park, the spokesperson, Meyer, told The Daily Beast that the case was reviewed again in June and charges were recommended. He defended the Sheriff’s Office and said that all calls for service by Pham and her family have been responded to.

“If there are credible calls and credible allegations, we’re going to respond to those,” he said.

Casey McNerthney, a spokesperson for the King County Prosecuting Attorney, said the May 23 incident was referred to the Shoreline City Attorney’s Office first, because it was a misdemeanor and involved Pham’s family. He said that while an immediate protection order was issued for Pham after Myers’ criminal charge, a second order was requested by Pham’s family, and that order was enforced by Shoreline City.

McNerthney added that because the May 23 incident did not involve Pham, Myers was not in violation of the order his office enforces. (Meyer, the sheriff’s spokesman, disputed that the incident did not fall under the jurisdiction of the King County Prosecuting Attorney.)

“If there’s evidence that leads the Shoreline City Attorney’s office to file a charge for a violation of the separate no-contact order, of course our office would promptly bring that information to the attention of the judge in our felony case,” McNerthney said.

The Shoreline City Attorney’s Office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Meyer, the sheriff’s spokesman, did not comment on the merits of the May 23 incident, but he said that Myers’ conduct seems “consistent with someone who has behavioral health issues.”

He pushed back on criticism by Pham’s attorney about not taking the case seriously. “I think our deputies are also sort of seeing this thing holistically, while also being mindful of the victim’s perspective,” he said.

Before her arrest on April 5, police on scene reported that at least five neighbors had approached them to tell deputies that “something needed to be done about Myers.”

Nonetheless, Pham, in a teary press conference on Tuesday, told FOX 13 that she feels like she’s trapped.

"I feel like my life is [in] danger every day I go outside,” she said.

Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Alleged hatchet-wielding maniac busted by NYPD for brutal ATM attack


Alleged hatchet-wielding maniac busted by NYPD for brutal ATM attack

By Edward Era Barbacena

A 37-year-old military vet has been busted in the terrifying, caught-on-camera hatchet attack on an ATM customer in Lower Manhattan — and is also suspected in two other incidents involving strangers earlier this month, law-enforcement sources said Wednesday.

Yonkers cops had been separately seeking to arrest the suspect, Aaron Garcia, too — for an unspecified Feb. 15 incident and on four bench warrants for failing to appear in court, sources said.  

All of those incidents allegedly involved domestic disputes and charges ranging from harassment and stalking to criminal contempt, sources said.

Garcia of Yonkers was charged with attempted murder and assault in the bloody violence that took place late Sunday afternoon inside a Chase bank in the Financial District, the NYPD said.

Aaron Garcia, who allegedly attacked a man with
a hatchet at a Chase bank in the Financial District.

The suspect was arrested following a psychiatric evaluation at  Bellevue Hospital, where he was taken after cops caught him allegedly smashing the windows of parked cars and businesses in Chelsea around 10 p.m. Tuesday, sources said.

During the vandalism spree, Garcia came face-to-face with a 54-year-old man while wielding a hammer, sources said.

Garcia bumped into the man, then raised the hammer and grunted but didn’t say anything, causing the man to fear for his life, sources said.

Around noon that same day, Garcia also allegedly brandished a knife and pointed it at a passer-by who yelled at him to stop urinating in public on Pine Street, sources said.

Shocking surveillance video from Sunday’s attack allegedly shows Garcia using a hatchet to repeatedly slash a 51-year-man during an unprovoked, sneak assault that began when the victim was using an ATM machine around 5:20 p.m.

After Garcia allegedly struck his victim in the leg, the two men struggled for control of the weapon as the wounded man desperately tried to protect himself, the video shows.

At one point, Garcia is allegedly seen bringing the hatchet down on the already bloodied victim’s head during the unrelenting rampage.

Garcia then allegedly smashed the screens of the ATM machines before leaving the hatchet behind when he fled the scene, cops said.



Detectives investigate the scene on Mother Gaston
 Boulevard in Brownsville, Brooklyn after five men
were shot during a dice game on Aug. 17.


By Edward Era Barbacena

Cops are looking for the gunman who shot five people playing dice outside a Brooklyn bodega on Tuesday night — the second mass shooting in the borough this week.

None of the victims in the latest shooting suffered life-threatening injuries, law enforcement sources said.

Police reported that the gunfire erupted at about 10:10 pm on Aug. 17 in the area of 420 Mother Gaston Blvd. in Brownsville.

According to law enforcement sources, the five male victims were engaged in a dice game at the location when the shooter pulled up inside a four-door black sedan.

Authorities said the suspect exited from the rear of the vehicle and then began firing at the dice players. It’s not clear, at this point, whom the gunman targeted, or the reasons behind the shooting.

Following the gunfire, the perpetrator fled southbound on Mother Gaston Boulevard, police reported.

Officers from the 73rd Precinct arrived on the scene shortly thereafter and encountered five wounded victims:

Officers from the 73rd Precinct probe for
 clues in a shooting in Brownsville that left
five men injured.

 a 26-year-old man shot in the buttocks;
 a 21-year-old man hit in the left ankle; 
 a 22-year-old man struck in the back and right foot;   a 28-year-old man shot in the lower back;
 and a 29-year-old man grazed in the buttocks.

Aside from the grazed victim, who refused medical attention at the scene, the injured men were rushed to Brookdale University and Kings County Hospitals for treatment. None of their injuries appear life-threatening, police said.

So far, no arrests have been made in the case, police reported.

The shooting happened as Brooklyn detectives continue to hunt for the gunmen who shot and wounded eight people outside the Roosevelt Houses in Bedford-Stuyvesant early on Aug. 16. In that mass shooting, the two suspects fired at individuals among a group of between 100 and 150 people who were listening to music at the location.

Mass shooting in Sweden leaves 10 students at a Swedish school for adults

  Mass shooting in Sweden leaves 10 students at a Swedish school for adults  Authorities in Örebro, Sweden, have confirmed that approximatel...