Monday, 23 August 2021

Trump booed at Alabama rally after telling supporters to get vaccinated


Trump booed at Alabama rally after telling supporters to get vaccinated

By Edward Era Barbacena

Former U.S. President Trump was booed at a rally on Saturday in Alabama after telling his supporters to get vaccinated 

" And you know what? I believe totally in your freedom. I do. You've got to do what you've got to do," Trump said. "But I recommend take the vaccines. I did it.  Its good. Take the vaccines." He added.

After his statement telling his supporters to get vaccinated, there were boos that echoed in the air from a very huge crowd who were apparently maskless.

"No, that's OK. That's alright. You got your freedoms," Trump rebutted echoing loftiness from opponents of masks and vaccination protocols. But I happened to take the vaccine. If it doesn't work, you'll be the first to know. OK? I'll call up Alabama, I'll say, hey, you know what? But the vaccine is working. But you do have your freedoms that you have to keep. You have to maintain that."

United States has a continuing rise of Delta variant cases and most of the hospitals are filled with patients infected with covid variants that are mostly unvaccinated. Other Americans blame unvaccinated ones  for that reason because they couldn't be accomodated by hospitals even in emergency cases or even worse is the life thretening condition such as endstage cancers. Even if they are admitted, they will be forced to he sent home after few days even not completing the treatment regimen because hospitals are just too overwhelmed with covid-19 patients that were not vaccinated.

Alabama is one of the States that has the lowest vaccination rate in the U.S. with only 36 percent of its total population ( not even half of it ) that are fully vaccinated. According to NBC news correspondent, Republican governor of Alabama said that its the 'unvaccinated folks are to be blame for the resurgence of the covid cases in the state.

Across the United States, the troucing majority of covid hospitalizations and fatalities are among the unvaccinated Americans and the majority of these people are whites.

Trump has encouraged vaccination previously but he often matched it with the same insane admonition.  It was like encouraging it but at the same time, denouncing it using a somewhat rethoric and bizarre presumptions. Just last week, after he promoted the vaccine in an interview with Fox correspondent Maria Bartiromo, Trump claimed that the coming booster shots were recommended by the Biden's administration as  "a money making operation for Pfizer."

Pfizer which he lambasted previously wasn't a part of his administration's Operation Warp Speed, the public-private partnership to accelalerate vaccine development. Well, his so-called 'Operation Warp Speed wasn't speedy enough that Russia came first to develop a potent and effective vaccine - the Vladimir Putin's 'Sputnik V' which was proven very effective against Delta variant and the original covid strain as claimed by some researchers in South America. Trump didn't mention that Moderna, which was a part of its program.

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