Sunday, 1 August 2021

Connecticut woman wins the Guinness World Record for largest mouth gape


Meet Samantha Ramsdell, a Connecticut woman who has gained fame and celebrity on TickTock for her gigantic mouth. 

Connecticut woman wins the Guinness World Record for largest mouth gape

By Edward Era Barbacena

What's that one world record that you didn't know could be a world record?

This one definitely belongs to the mind-blowingly unreal category. 

Recently Guinness Book of World Records took to their social media accounts to announce the record for the world's biggest mouth. Yes, you read that right, who knew that could be a record!?

The Guinness World Records or as their Twitter bio says "The global authority on record breaking achievements since 1955" has even posted a video on Youtube. In this video, Ramsdell talks about how she always knew that her mouth was big, and how she was bullied for it all throughout her childhood.

Apparently, "the children of TikTok" as she calls them, believed she had a world record mouth and after watching a video in which she stretched it, encouraged her to take the record. 

 So how big is her mouth actually? In this video, you can see Sam fitting a whole apple, an orange and a whole pack of french fries in her mouth.

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